Martin Poole Character in Masks of Nyarlathotep | World Anvil
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Martin Poole

homicide detective

As a long-serving homicide detective working out of Precinct 7a in Chelsea, Lt. Poole has seen the worst New York City has to offer. Even so, the murder of Jackson Elias has shaken him; partly because of its brutality and partly because of its similarity to a series of murders he believed had already been solved.  

Physical Description

A heavy-set man, the muscle of his youth beginning to turn to fat. Poole has a dark complexion and brown hair, which he wears slicked back. His suits are neat and well kept, but fit him poorly due to recent weight gain  


Years on the force have made him cynical. He sees the worst in everyone, although he is still assiduous in his investigations and pursuit of the truth. and well kept, but fit him poorly due to recent weight gain
Current Status
Current Location
Aligned Organization


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