Captain Walter Robson Character in Masks of Nyarlathotep | World Anvil
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Captain Walter Robson

corrupt cop in the pay of the Bloody Tongue

Dirty Cop: Robson is not actually a member of the Bloody Tongue and has no idea what goes on in the depths of Ju-Ju House. He believes that M’Dari and his associates are simply smugglers, and he is as happy to take their money as that of any of the other criminals with whom he does business. If faced with concrete proof of the full extent of the cult’s depravity, he may be convinced to turn against them.  


A tall, solidly built white man with gray hair, heavy jowls, and a nose that appears to have been broken more than once. He wears expensive tailored suits, and usually sports a diamond tie pin. One of his incisors is missing, which is readily apparent whenever he flashes one of his frequent toothy grins.  


Superficially glib and charming. He has a warm, practiced smile and quick wit, which he uses to defuse awkward situations. When pressed, however, his good cheer quickly disappears and he becomes blunt and threatening.
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