Law of intervention Physical / Metaphysical Law in Marrow | World Anvil
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Law of intervention

After the era of Governance, the ways gods could interact with their followers became limited. they could grant their worshipers spells to cast as they pleased but could not interact with the world directly except for rare occasions and only upon direct request of their followers.  
  • Cleric: Clerics are given power directly from their deities and must keep good favour with their god or risk losing their gift.  
  • A Holy priest Kneels in an ally and with a razed hand brings light down on a leper curing their ills. An armoured warrior Stands on a hill repeating a prayer of strength as he directs bolts of lightning onto hoards of the undead
  • Paladin: A Paladin is a warrior who is given power by the master of their order and they strengthen this power through loyalty to their oath and through meditation on its meaning (An oath-breaker or oath of treachery gains power through successful use of there power).  
  • A knight reaches out to their friend calling out a prayer as an arrow shatters with a bright yellow flash, inches from their face. An elderly figure reaches out a hand as the skinned knee of a child is instantly healed over and he runs off to play with his friends.
  • Druid: A Druid is similar to a cleric but rather than worshiping a god directly they worship an aspect of one of the gods of nature. they may see the beauty of the stars and draw strength from their light. Or they may understand the place death must have to make life precious and use the rot and decay around them to bring things back into balance.
  • Petting a squirrel, a wild-looking elf speaks a few ancient words before starting a full conversation with the creature in its lap.
  • Ranger: Rangers are hunters living in peace with the wild and using the divine energy stored in nature to create spells of a divine nature using similar casting methods to arcane casters like sigils and hand signs.
  • A figure kneels in the dirt blowing a small handful of sand into the air and watches as it turns to mist and obscures their escape. a dwarf loses an arrow and watches it strike the target immediately sprouting thorns and vines rooting the fleeing foe to the ground.
Metaphysical, Divine