Blackfriars Organization in Markwald | World Anvil
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The Blackfriars (Predigerorden), also known as the Order of St. Albus, or the Order of Preachers, were established by Albus Peralta, a Bosisch priest (since canonized by the Church) active around a century and a half ago. Albus' main calling was the placement of Ecumenical theology on a more solid footing at a time when Gaalite lands had come under the intense cultural influence of Paynim arts and sciences. Albus' aim was to be able to argue against opponents of the Ecumenical Faith on the basis of Vergin philosophy. Thus, the Blackfriars became the intellectual arm of the Kreuzzüge - the wars against the Paynims and pagans. An additional aim was to expose the errors of internal groups that had lapsed in their belief (key among them being the Adepts of Light). The establishment of the mendicant order was in fact a direct response to the fact that the leaders of the heretic sects led an ascetic lifestyle, whereas Church prelates were regarded as too worldly. Albus' followers focused on acquiring key positions at universities, where they used scriptoria and lecture pulpits to expose dualist and other heresies, and strove to show that the canons of the Faith were fully in accordance with Reason. Additionally, many Black Friars took up leading positions in the newly-formed Holy Inquisition. In most cases, such people were trained in the investigative methods of jurists, though some Blackfriars were also granted Hierophantic permission to use torture to extract information and confessions (damning the body in order to save the soul). In light of this involvement, the Black Friars received the popular moniker "The Hounds of the Lord".   The defining vow taken by entrants into the Order of Preachers is the Vow of Obedience. Members of all orders must obey their superiors, of course, but the Black Friars have turned necessity into a virtue. Black Friars believe that left to our own devices, we are weak, and tend toward sin. Obedience is to be extended toward secular as well as ecclesiastical authorities, as these have been set up by God as well (though when the two are in conflict, Black Friars obviously defer to Church officials). All orders must be carried out without question, and any wrongdoing reported without delay. Those who are vigilant and responsible are rewarded by being allowed to rise to positions of influence, and it is no accident that Black Friars are disproportionately represented among bishops and cardinals. Quite a few of them have also become Hierophants.   Priests joining the Order of Preachers are trained in philosophy, rhetoric, and the law. They are universally authorized to preach, being answerable to the Head of the Order and the Hierophant alone. Typically, they are sent to areas which are rife with heresy and religious strife, to directly confront heretics and get them to change their ways, or to root the secret ones out through investigation. Often, they combine these pursuits with teaching at schools or universities. Being concerned with vigilance as they are, Black Friars are typically opposed to non-humans, believing them to be a negative influence on their flock. In the rare cases where non-humans convert and join the Church, they are eagerly recruited by the Order of Preachers.   The garb of Black Friars is a black cloak worn over white habits.


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