Dwarves Species in Markoth | World Anvil


Dwarves are one of the easiest races to identify, typically due to their stature. Known for their natural affinity with minerals and mining, smithing, wisdom and crafting. If you want something built from stone, a Dwarf will know how to build it in a way that will maximise structural integrity.


As a race, Dwarves are short, typically between 110 to 150 cm in height.


Dwarven players cannot be over 170 cm in height. They must also wear a beard for the males, and plaits for the women. Common dress for the Dwarven races varies depending on the occasion, as well as the wealth of the area, but typically they are seen in garments befitting a tradesman or craftsman.

Racial Variants

Dwarves have a few racial variations, which are mostly due to adaptive changes to their environment or generational changes due to necessity or obsolescence.

  • Ironhill - Dwarves from the deeper sections of the mountainous regions. These Dwarves often live in underground townships. Carving directly into the rock face and building into the mountain which affords them a greater defensive advantage. Settlements are still being discovered as explorers uncover lost mountain passes and forgotten Dwarven cities. Ironhill Dwarves have deep brown hair, due to both the minerals they mine and the lack of sunlight. It's unusual to see these Dwarves away from their tunnels and seeing one on the battlefield is rare unless near a mountain. A Royalist squad of Ironhill Dwarves does exist and their efforts to create new passage ways into the mountains for more strategic approaches has been the key to many successful raids. However, Ironhill Dwarves tend to stay within the confines of their mountains, especially if the weather outside is rough. It's believed that they caved in a tunnel once to keep a storm out, some say the storm had elves in it...

  • Guldraine - Guldraine are the surface dwelling Dwarves that tend to build large castle settlements within close proximity to mountains. This allows them to mine for resources required for the fortifications. Guldraine are often Blonde haired. They have been known to be territorial and while their domain is usually small and not recognised by the actual regents of the land they occupy, telling them that would be a mistake. Each one of their settlements is protected fiercely by every man, woman and child within its walls, all prouder than the next in what they have built for themselves. These Dwarves have been known to be deadly in close quarters, favouring the axe over hammers. The current conflict has forced them to pick a side, usually that side is the side that surrounds them. Their castles have served as outposts and sometimes a Dwarf leaves to fight elsewhere, but rarely.

  • Izalt - Izalt Dwarves live in the hills or mountains, but build their settlements atop them. Focusing on shaft mining, they tend to be the tinkerers of the Dwarven kind. Utilising elevators, cart rail, and many other technologies, the Izalt Dwarves are the most successful at surveillance, exploration and high speed extraction mining. Typically red haired, and slightly more slender in build, the Izalt are often in disagreement whenever in the company of an Ironhill over mining results vs styles of mine. Izalt Dwarves have been a driving force in the resources race that keeps this war going. They have made a fair profit off of the general conflict and tend to remain neutral. If one of them joins the ranks of an actual army, it is because of personal reasons.


Details to come.

Language & Literature

Details to come.

Names & Culture

Details to come.

Notable Dwarves

  • High King Dwight Bloodhammer
  • High King Bellisa Darmoon
  • Fifer "The Sly One" Hammertone
  • Pharmet Rockstriker
  • Gelrich Goldmaine
  • Kelwin "Ironhand" Grundal
Related Organizations