Aximaar, The Apathetic Character in Markoth | World Anvil

Aximaar, The Apathetic

Aximaar was a Fey, A specific species of fey known as the Elderling. Who made the journey to Markoth to support Tarvala's campaign. Aximaar was the quartermaster for the Fey armies back home, and Tarvala served alongside him as the Commander General of the line-breaker regiment. Aximaar trained heavily with Poleaxe and Sword & Shield. He became a strong member of his unit, and earned commendations in multiple conflicts in the Fey realm. Aximaar learned magic from Tarvala, to further increase his combat prowess. In Markoth, Aximaar was placed in charge of teaching marshal combat to the Empire's forces. He developed their strategies, and taught them how to best counter the Fey armies. His stone is obsidian.  

Early Life

Aximaar was known to frequently butt heads with figures of authority in the Fey realm. His quickness to temper also earned him a reputation with many senior members of the court.    

The Fighters Guild

Aximaar's combat prowess made him the perfect trainer for Tarvala's armies. Upon his arrival, he was immediately put in charge of the standing army and recruits that showed promise. He focused on taking experienced soldiers and improving them further beyond the standard training. As an Elderling - Advanced magical ability was innate, and Aximaar used abjuration magic to passively increase his reflexes, speed and dexterity in combat. He also used destruction school magic to increase the devastation of his attacks, and the morbidity of the wounds he inflicted.  

Notable Events & Stories

When the position of Commander General came up, Aximaar applied for the position, as was rejected in favour of Tarvala. This sparked an outburst, in which a fight between Aximaar and four members of the selection panel exchanged blows amid screams and cries from those present to cease.  

As a Deity

  Aximaar represents the aspects of Apathy, Death.   Apathy - Often thought of as dismissal and disregard in the face of sage advice, Aximaar's teachings speak more of discounting the unjust criticism, an apathy toward tasks not worthy of distraction, and a focus on self improvement before giving to others. Aximaar was seen by many as selfish, however, he excelled more than any of the Nine at his craft. Worshiping apathy is commonly seen as writing down a single goal of yourself, and burning it in flames, whilst contemplating the steps needed to achieve the goal. This is often done prior to rigorous training, practice of a craft, or an undertaking of skill.   Death - To worship the aspect of death is to embrace it in all its power. Death is the final stage of being, and only through death's eyes can one truly understand the value of life's journey. Many worship Aximaar prior to battle, to deliver them from death's grip. To allow their skill not to falter, and to cheat at the game of chance. A mastery of death's game, means progress on oneself. Worship of death typically involves the killing of a small animal. A rabbit, bird or similar. The kill it made, and a single drop of blood is placed into a pool of water. From there, "magic vision" is cast on the water, and the worshipers face is dipped into the bowl. The magic, coupled with the extinguished life is supposed to grant the worshipper a vision. The vision content differs from person to person, but is said to be the will of Aximaar as to what you see.
Current Status
Date of Death
30th Second Harvest
Year of Death
217 AT
Circumstances of Death
Slain by Fey
Place of Death
The Fields of Versano
Long White
Aligned Organization


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