Yarrow: Guardian Bees Report in Mardlo-Arias | World Anvil
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Yarrow: Guardian Bees

General Summary

On the first night that Yarrow was in Brackenmill he and his party ended up staying at the large temple to Hanera, the Provider located in the town square. While his party deviated into other tasks Yarrow took to helping the excited young priests of the temple who mistook him for a Tender Druid.   Two young priests, Eloy a kindled corvum boy and Vala a jerbeen girl, showed Yarrow around the temple. Yarrow used his time to bloom the flowers on the altars to Hanera, repair the immediate gardens for the temple, and spent time in the kitchen cooking.   While venturing with the young priests Yarrow learned a bit about   The main quest here is dealing with the Bandits plan to steal cursed items from a craftsman." href="/w/mardlo-arias-nuactna/a/brackenmill-article">Brackenmill. He learned that Serra Hyne is a captain of the Perch guard that was appointed, along with Captain Alvert Selwe and Captain Uyncis Rose, as a measure to bring the humblefolk and the birdfolk closer together. Vala gave him an overview description of the city while Eloy went on about rumors he had heard of dancers and travelers from other lands.   Late at night before bed Yarrow began to experiment with the dead hive and the bees from his travels earlier that day. While experimenting he infused the hive, jellies, and bee corpses with the magics surrounding him. Between the garden, the magics of Hanera, and Yarrows own power bees were conjured out of Yarrow surrounding him and treating him as a hive.   Eloy came out to see him and was immediately panicked by the sight of the young tola surrounded by bees. Yarrow tried to speak but more bees came from his mouth. Eloy ran and grabbed the master of the temple, Head Priest Bal Birkett, who came to the garden to see Yarrow. Bal entered the garden calmly and asked Yarrow if he needed assistance. Yarrow signaled that he did not and Bal returned to the temple, advising the priests to give the druid space.   Yarrow spent a portion of the night with the bees, casting his new spell, Fermata's Guardian Bees, over and over to refine it. By the time the unruly magics had managed themselves Yarrow was ready to retire for the night. He returned to the temple were the priests gave him space for him to retire for the night in the hall.
Report Date
27 Jan 2020

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