Hanera, the Provider Character in Mardlo-Arias | World Anvil
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Hanera, the Provider

Hanera is the birdfolk Amaranthine closest to nature. She holds dominion over all things that grow within the earth. While Ardea is the animating force of life, Hanera is the guiding heart that gives life purpose and meaning. She encourages birdfolk to see the world not only from the treetops, but from the loam and all the tiny living things beneath. Everything, Hanera teaches, is connected as part of a vast continuum of life stretching back to the earliest ancestors. Hanera is depicted as a pheasant with feathers that fade to green as they morph into plants and flowers. She is the patron Amaranthine of the gallus, and is invoked when growing anything from the soil. As a spirit of both earth and hearth, Hanera governs the bonds that connect people to one another and to nature. She is celebrated at feasts, and during ceremonies involving the sharing of food. Her generosity and kindness are renowned, as is her intolerance for evil. It is Hanera’s will that evil be challenged wherever it is found. Not with violence, but with acts of compassion. Those who harbor darkness in their hearts require the warmth of friends, family, and shelter to heal, and so Hanera teaches birdfolk never to give up on each other. Even the most wicked among us can be healed with love. Hanera is worshiped by farmers and druids, but many clerics tend shrines in her honor, mostly in modest woodland villages. Her holy symbol is often hung above the doorway, inside a home, to bless the dwelling and all those within

Divine Domains

Nature, Community

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A bird with plants for tail feathers

Tenets of Faith

Respect the earth and her gifts, share what you can with those in need, and always live with compassion in your heart.
Divine Classification

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