Strange box containing a two headed worm Item in Mardlo-Arias | World Anvil
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Strange box containing a two headed worm

A dark wooden box with a ceramic base that contains inside it a two headed worm that only seems to move when the box is opened.   Hora 635, Alta 22, Session Six: The Bug Episode
"I'm going to change my clothes so we have a cover for being in the alleyway. You should talk to the worm and see what it says." The dancer then began the process of changing from his red dancing outfit to a blue one. Alabaster looked inside the box, shrugged and talked to the worm.
  "Hey, you, um who are you?" Alabaster asked.
  In a set of deep voices, one feminine and one masculine, the worm responded, "We are great wizards, cursed and a curse, imprisoned within this cell." Alabaster's eyes widened and he looked to Cyrus who wanted an explanation. Alabaster explained and then Cyrus urged him to continue.
  "What have you been cursed with?" Alabaster asked.
  "We are worms." The voices responded. Alabaster sighed again in frustration.
  "What are your names? How did you become cursed? Also you said that you were cursed but are also a curse, what do you mean by that?" Alabaster began to lay in with questions for the worm which was now moving more intelligently and specifically.
  "I am Hiki the all seeing," the masculine voice said, "and I am Furo the master of life," claimed the feminine voice. "We were the greatest wizards in Chikara - The Knight's Empire and Kagi - The Southern Kingdom of the Shadow King. In our travels we went to Lake Noroi to investigate. In our hubris Strom cursed us and we woke up in this box in the hands of the young fox. Those that carry us also hold Strom's curse with them." The worm took turns with each voice, explaining its histories. Alabaster closed the box and explained things to Cyrus.

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