Chikara - The Knight's Empire Organization in Mardlo-Arias | World Anvil
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Chikara - The Knight's Empire

After the civil war broke the larger Dominion of the empire into two, the northern half gained a new Military leader. The current leader of the northern kingdom is the head of the knight's order of the old royal family. After the king and queen both died under mysterious circumstances the country broke into a civil war and the empire ended up disbanding. The north became the new empire while the south became it's own kingdom. Since that civil war not too long ago there has been a lot of tension between the kingdom and the empire. The Empire has many resources and people to aid it. It stands constantly vigilant, every citizen willing and able to help in battle in some way. Military might is the main form of control here and it is the glue that keeps the remaining empire together.

Might makes right. Justice is just a shadow that the strong cast upon the weak.

Geopolitical, Stratocracy

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