Mayapple Fermata Character in Mardlo-Arias | World Anvil
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Mayapple Fermata

Mayapple Fermata is a woman with a plan and the will power to make it happen several times over. Growing up she got what she worked for what she wanted and reached for it till it happened. And so she expects those around her to just the same, work for your dreams or they'll never happen. She's tried to instill this into her family, even her ever loving husband. Never pushing her children k to anything but being as supportive as she possibly could, sometimes going a little to far as well.   Like most Tola who are matriarchs in there family, she has a horrible habit of pulling in strangers and passerbys into her family's events. It's how she found a Corvum to help teach her children and a Mapach to help around the house. At least, that's how she puts it and not how she aggressively scouted them out with food and an ever present smile once she found out they were in town. The corvum took the most. A birdfolk by the name of Bertram Highfeather who come to research the black squirrels in the area. After several times of almost scaring him off the trees he was in, she started to learn bird folk dishes to bring to him as well, her failed dishes ending up on the dinner table to the dismay of her family.   The mapach was a little different, being a drifter that came through town that pulled on Mayapples heart strings. She quickly found that he was handy to have around when things broke at home and quickly offered him a room of he wanted it. Charles Crankshaft quickly realized he had been adopted before he even said yes onto this womans family. Happy ever since and eager to help with the younger ones homeschooling as well as fixing things at home.   Mayapple is generally a goodnatured woman and it shows in her daily life. When she found Chamomile's journals, she helped him find a better hiding spot instead of scolding him. She also made him swear to not talk about what he had learned as well of his grandfather, who she quickly confronted afterwards. Making Crioth explain what he had done and what he wagered to get the result. She also knows about Basils secret love letters and has made plans every festival to give her time to make a "secret" get away to meet up with her poet. She knows she's made a name for herself in alderheart and even made a few pen pals from her little tirade to her her little Dandelion to write her letters. She worries most about Yarrow and Petunia, both seem to shoulder more then she knows but she's sure they'll talk to her when their ready


Sorrel Fermata

Husband (Vital)

Towards Mayapple Fermata



Mayapple Fermata

Wife (Vital)

Towards Sorrel Fermata



Current Location

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