Tradition of Ofridr in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Tradition of Ofridr

Skálds from the Tradition of Ofridr are warrior-poets and battle-chanters. They see fighting as a type of performance and their ecstasy in battle often spreads to their comrades. Although not trained like dreng or berserkers, their unique gift for performance make them competent warriors.  

Bonus Proficiency

When you choose the Tradition of Ofridr at 3rd level, you gain proficiency either then Warhorn or Drum with martial weapons and shields.

Warband Warrior

Starting at 3rd Level, if you are wearing armor of any kind, you gain a bonus to your AC according to the number of comrades in your party. You must have a deep connection with your party members to count them as comrades. This means that this feature only involves other PCs in your party, and perhaps some NPCs, at the Game Master's discretion. A party member's animal companion counts as a comrade, but a summoned monster does not. The amount of AC you gain according to your party size is as follows:  

Battle Song

At 6th Level, you compose a Battle Song. By rolling an inspiration die and making a successful performance check with your drum or warhorn, you create one of the following effects within 150 feet of you for 1 minute:
  • Playing the Drum. The vibration of your drum makes friendly creatures feel excited, adding the result of the inspiration die on their hit points temporarily.
  • Blowing the Horn. You make friendly creatures lose themselves in the heat of battle, and add the result of the inspiration die as a single damage bonus to all their attacks for 1 turn when they roll an inspiration die.
  • You can affect creatures on whom you have used Skáldic Inspiration. This Feature consumes the inspiration die that you have provided.


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