The Shieldman/Shieldwoman in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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The Shieldman/Shieldwoman

Shieldmen and Shieldwomen are famous warriors of Mannaheim. Their characteristic difference from many other warriors is that when they are on the battlefield, it is impossible to miss them. They defend themselves and their fellow warriors and are determined to survive the fight.

Saving Throws

Some of your actions require your target to make a saving throw to resist your features effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows.   Feature Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dextreity modifier (your choice)

Master of the Shield

Starting at 3rd Level, you gain the shield bash attack with your shield; you deal 1D6 + your Strength modifier as bludgeoning damage (or piercing damage if it has spikes) and knock the target creature prone on a failed Strength saving throw if the creature is Medium or smaller.

Shield Your Ally

Starting at 3rd Level, when a friendly creature within 5 feet of you is attacked with a melee or ranged weapon, you can use your reaction to pull your shield between your friend and the incoming blow, adding your shield bonus to the creature's AC against the attack.   When you use this feature, you lose your shield bonus to your AC, and the creature has advantage on its weapon attacks against you until the beginning of your next turn.

Shield Wall

Starting at 7th Level, as a bonus action, you can form a shield wall with your allies. If there is an ally wielding a shield adjacent to where you are, and if you are wielding your shield, creatures make their melee or ranged weapon attacks against you and your ally with disadvantage.   Additionally, if any ally of your size is behind you when your deploy the Shield Wall, the ally gains half-cover against ranged attacks and spells coming from the area your wall faces. Any ally that is one size smaller than you gains three-quarters cover against such attacks or spells.   When you form a Shield Wall, neither you nor your ally can use a reaction until the start of your next turn.

Rally Breathren

Starting at 10th Level, you can use your Second Wind feature on an ally within a 30 foot radius.   Additionally, when an ally within 30 feet of you needs to make a Constitution saving throw, you can use your saving throw instead, once per short rest.

Warden's Sacrifice

Starting at 15th Level, whenever an ally within 5 feet of you takes damage from an attack or spell, you can use your reaction to take the damage on yourself, instead.   You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier. You regain any expended uses after you finish a long rest.

Defensive Stance

Starting at 18th Level, as an action, you can take a defensive stance that allows you to protect yourself and your allies as much as possible. When you do so, you cannot make attacks, but gain the following benefits:   ● If a creature misses when they attack you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to make an oppertunity attack.   ● Your Shield Wall provides three-quarters cover for alies for your size and total cover for smaller allies.   ● You regain the use of Warden's Sacrifice when you finish a short rest.   ● You count as under half cover for as long as you don't use your movement.   ● If a creature tries to walk near 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to slam the creature. With this, the creature is both shoved 5 feet and is knocked prone on a failed Strength saving throw.


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