Laguz-Touched in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Laguz-touched vitki carry with them the rune of Laguz, the water rune. Laguz is encompassing, understanding and providing, and makes these sorcerers more aware of the people around them, as well as the dynamics of relationships, Laguz pushes these sorcerers to become more caring, or more reflective emotionally. They are friendlier to their friends, and far more hateful towards their enemies. Laguz-touched vitki are also more adaptive. Just like the waves fill take the shape of the rocky shores they reach; these vitki can quickly change their plans according to how things turn out. However, this does not mean that they are quick to give up on their plans or promises.   Spell Level Spell  
  • 1st: Spare the Dying, Cure Wounds, Healing Word
  • 2nd: Lesser Restoration, Aid
  • 3rd: Mass Healing Word, Prayer of Healing
  • 4th: Conjure Minor Elementals (water)
  • 5th: Conjure Elemental (water), Mass Cure Wounds, Greater Restoration, Revivify
  • Water Affinity

      At 1st level, you gain the following features:   Underwater Breathing. Laguz comes to you when you are underwater. You are to breathe magically underwater as if you are affected by the Water Breathing spell.   Swim Speed. You gain a swim speed of 40ft, This feature is magical and does not involve a transformation.   Water Resilience. You do not get any conditions or Ex- haustions from being in water for long durations as long as the weather outside is bearable for you. This means that if you are well-clothed for the current weather, being in water does not cause hypothermia.   Heightened Empathy. By spending sorcery point, you can gain an advantage on your next Charisma (Persuasion) or Wisdom (Insight) check regarding social interactions, or your next Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (Nature) check regarding information about a creature.  

    Senseful Casting

      At 6th level, you gain the following features:   Water's Reaction. Laguz makes you more aware of your surroundings and better react to them with your magic. By spending 2 sorcery points, you can cast any spell you know that takes an action or less as a reaction. You can still cast a single spell per round. So, you cannot cast an additional spell on your normal turn unless if you activated Twinned Spell Metamagic. If you did so, your twin magic has to be cast during.your turn.   Charm of the Seas. For any spell from the school of En- chantment, you can spend 2 sorcery points to add 1d4 to your spell save DC and spell attack modifier. Might of the Seas. For any spell that involves control or manipulation of water, you can spend 2 sorcery points to add 1d4 to your spell save DC and spell attack modifier.  

    Water Form

      At 14th level, you gain the ability to magically transform into an apparition of Laguz. As an action, you transform into water. When you are moving, it takes the form of your silhouette, but when you stand still, you are indistinguishable from a body of water.   While in this form, you become resistant to fire damage as well as bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage, coming from nonmagical weapons. On the other hand, you become vulnerable to lightning damage. Also, cold damage partially freezes you and slows your speed by 10 feet.   You can pass through any surface or opening that a body of water can pass, given that you are finishing your turn in an open location, that you can normally fit in. You cannot make anything but your movement if you don't finish your turn in such a location. You also cannot inflict damage except by magical means or weapons to your opponents. However, you can attempt to grapple a creature by ending your move on that creature's space. The creature must succeed on a Strength (Athletics) check against your spell save DC or becomes Strength (Ath- letics) by you.   A living creature that is Strength (Athletics) by you in your Water Form cannot breathe and suffers from 1d6 bludgeoning damage at the end of each turn it is grappled by you. If you grappled a creature this way, you can still cast spells without disadvantage. Once used, this feature can remain active for 1 minute.   Once used, you cannot use this feature again unless you fin- ish a long rest or spend 6 sorcery points.  

    Clarity of Still Waters

      At 18th level, the presence of Laguz becomes much stronger in you. You gain the following features:   Charm of the Seas and Might of the Seas. Your spell save DC and spell attack modifiers increase by 1d6 for the spells that are related to these features.   Water Form. You can use Water Form again after you finish a short rest, or spend 3 sorcery points.


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