Kenaz-Touched in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Kenaz-Touched Vitki carry with them the magical nature of Kenaz, the Rune of Fire. They are better attuned to spells of fire. They tend to be aggressive and believe in direct confrontation because of the nature of the rune they carry. They can be brave to the point of recklessness. Some of them are obsessed with fire and enjoy seeing the world ablaze, even if it includes their friends.  

Fire Magick

  Your affinity to fire gives you the option to learn some non-vitki spells that are based on fire. While learning a new spell, you can choose one from the list below as an alternative to spells in the vitki spell list. The spell you choose becomes a vitki spell, for you.   Spell Level Spell
  • 1st: Sacred Flame, swora kaun
  • 2nd: Branding Smite, Continual Flame, Flame Blade
  • 3rd: word of surtr, smoke of lava
  • 4th: Conjure Minor Elementals (fire)
  • 5th: Flame Strike, Conjure Elemental (fire)
  • Catching Fire

      At 1st level, fires created by your fire spells become stronger and more persistent. In addition to non-living objects, your fire spells can also set creatures on fire for 1 minute. By spending a sorcery point on a fire spell you cast against a creature, you can make your target catch fire and take 1d4 damage for each turn it is ablaze. In order to extinguish the flames, the creature must spend its move action to pat on the flames, requiring a Dexterity saving throw with advantage against your spell save DC.   This burning damage gets higher in higher levels; becoming 1d6 at 6th level, 1d8 at 14th, and 1d10 at 10th.  

    Dreadful Flames

      Starting at 6th level, your fire spells become so tense and engulfing, that they cause panic in any creature that catch on fire. By spending an additional sorcery point, you can make a creature that is affected by your Catching Fire feature become frightened for the next turn. The creature can attempt to break free from this effect on its next turn by succeeding on a Wisdom saving throw.  


      Starting at 14th level, you become pyromaniac when you are casting fire spells. Your fire spells become stronger and more destructive. By spending a sorcery point on a fire spell you cast that is level 1 or above, you gain an additional die of the spell's fire damage equal to the number of creatures that are currently ablaze, because of your Catching Fire ability. Additionally, your spell save DC against saving throws for Catching Fire and Dreadful Flames features increases by 1.  

    Inferno Incarnate

      Starting at 18th level, as an action, you can become an avatar of fire. Your body looks like an erupting volcano, your eyes glow with flame, and smoke falling off your form. You gain immunity to fire, and vulnerability to cold. The form lasts 1 minute, and you gain the following features while in this form:   As a bonus action,
  • Your steps leave traces of fire and set the ground on fire. You create a line of fire in the track of your in movement, 2 feet wide, and as long as the distance you moved.
  • You can send flames to a target within 60 feet of you, dealing 2d6 fire damage on a successful spell attack.
  • You can intensify your flaming body and create an aura of fire that expands in a S feet radius, dealing 1d10 fire damage to creatures who are within the area at the start of each one of your turns.
  • As a move action, you can combust yourself into a bright burst, dealing damage to creatures nearby and potentially blinding them. Because of the combustion, you take 9d6 fire damage that you are not Immune to. Creatures within 10 feet of you take twice that fire damage. Creatures that are hit must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become blinded for 1d4 turns. You can apply Metamagic options to this ability except Extended Spell and Twinned Spell.


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