Circle of the Sower in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Circle of the Sower

Circle of the Sower The Druid Circle that is most revered by civilized peoples is that of the Sowers. Folktales tell of an ancient druidic sage that guided mortals to the discovery of agriculture. Drawing on their mystical knowledge of the natural world, this Druid led ancient peoples to establish the first farms and towns.   Those who join the Circle of the Sower follow the example of that ancient sage. They wander the countryside and offer magical aid to farmers, gardeners, and all who till the soil.   Druid Level Feature 2nd Wandering Sage, Mystic Harvest, Circle Spells 6th Wild Growth 10th Abundant Harvest 14th Verdant Grasp Wandering Sage 2nd-level Circle of the Sower feature You gain a mystical understanding of the natural cycle of life, growth, and death. You gain proficiency in Nature. Whenever you make an Intelligence (Nature) check you gain a bonus to your roll equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1).   Mystic Harvest 2nd-level Circle of the Sower feature When you join this Circle, you learn to use druidic magic to produce wondrous fruits. As a bonus action, you can expend a use of Wild Shape to produce one Mystical Fruit from the list below in your empty hand. The Fruit can be eaten as an action. Any uneaten Fruit spoils after 1 minute.   Invigorating Fruit The creature that eats this Fruit regains hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier + your Druid level. Any hit points over its hit point maximum become temporary hit points.   Mystic Fruit The creature that eats this Fruit regains a single expended spell slot of a level equal to your Wisdom modifier or lower.   Once a creature benefits from this Fruit it must complete a long rest before it can do so again.   Revitalizing Fruit The creature that eats this Fruit is instantly cured of one of the following conditions: blinded, deafened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, a reduction to an ability score or its hit point maximum, or its exhaustion is reduced by 1.   Circle Spells 2nd-level Circle of the Sower feature When you reach certain Druid levels, you gain access to the spells in the table below. They count as Druid spells for you, and you always have them prepared, but they do not count against the total number of Druid spells you can prepare each day.   Druid Level Spells 2nd entangle, goodberry 3rd lesser restoration, spike growth 5th create food & water, plant growth 7th aura of life, grasping vine 9th greater restoration, tree stride Wild Growth 6th-level Circle of the Sower feature You cause plants to blossom and thrive wherever you travel. When you take a short or long rest, the effects of the 8-hour casting of plant growth immediately take effect in the area around you, unless you choose to withhold them.   Your connection with plant life also grants you immunity to poison damage, the poisoned condition, and natural poisons.   Abundant Harvest 10th-level Circle of the Sower feature You can use the magic of your Wild Shape to produce more potent produce. When you produce a Mystic Fruit you can choose from the following additional options:   Emboldening Fruit The next time the creature that eats this Fruit rolls a d20, it can choose to substitute its d20 roll with your Druid level.


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