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Lugolite Ore

Ronald Moon is currently being protected from disaster by both the Tridoch Corporation and Luminous Limited. They have agents making offerings to local Goddess of Luck Orvus as well as physically guarding the mine and Ronald's person from any 'disaster' or trouble as part of his contracts with them for providing this new and interesting ore.

Lugolite Ore

  An azure blue ore which is more durable than iron, while also being as conductive as much rarer materials like gold or platinum. The uses for this material are manyfold, as it can be crafted into a wide variety of mechanical parts and pieces. It has gained the special attention of Luminous Limited, which does specialize in creating a variety of machines and the Tridoch Corporation for use in laboratory equipment as well as physical modifications to creatures. Competition over this newly discovered ore is fierce, which is very much in the favor of the person who made the discovery: Ronald Moon.  

Ronald Moon

  Ronald Moon is a man who has spent his entire life seeking after his 'big break'. Roaming all over The Giovan Dunes (Region) from the Ten Years Mountains in the far west to the Thirty Year mountains in the Far west. Every time he thought he had finally made his way into the big time, Orvus did not smile on him and he had to move on. He found gem deposits in the desert but it turned out to be haunted by spirits of the thirsty dead, and all his miners were left as withered husks. He struck Silver in the Western ridges of the Ten Year mountains but The Gith Menace drove him away from the mines before he could ever exploit them. Various other ventures ended in misery, and he had almost given up when he was prospecting in the far East of the Thirty Year mountains. He thought at first it was simply a vein of Iron Ore, but the strange blue colour and the fact that his spilled lantern left it glowing and hot for a very long time made him wonder. A quick and secret visit to an alchemist friend later he new he had found something. . intriguing. Word quickly got out from the alchemists lab to a number of organizations and he set out to stake his claim before he was pushed out of his big score, again. So far nothing terrible has happened to Ronalds mine, which remains the only source of the ore that has been made public. A boomtown has sprung up around his mine offering services and amenties to the miners within, for now it's simply known as 'Moon Town'.  


  Lugolite Ore has the same weight and hardness as iron, but anyone wielding weapons or armour made of it is more susceptible to electrical energy. In game terms it makes the bearer 25% more vulnerable to electrical damage. Luminous Limited has developed special components for its Android products which allow them to both absorb and redirect electrical energy through weapons and armour made of the material. These products are still in the prototype phase however and not available to the general public.

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