Homebrew Rules in Malyk | World Anvil
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Homebrew Rules

Negative/Positive Energy Inversion

Certain creatures have an aversion to divine magic and thrive in unholy magic. When such a creature would regain hitpoints from an evocation school spell, such as Cure Wounds , they instead do not heal, and take radiant damage equal to twice that amount. If the spell's range is touch, it requires a melee spell attack roll. Ranged spells, such as Healing Word, deal damage automatically. When the target takes necrotic damage from a necromancy spell, such as by Inflict Wounds, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the damage dealt.   Typically, only non-sentient undead, such as Zombies are inverted, and not sentient undead, such as Vampires. Some other unholy creatures may be inverted.  

Extra Ability Score Increase

At first level, you may gain two ability score increases, or a feat.  

Power Attacks

Whenever you use your Strength modifier to make an attack with a two-handed melee weapon, you may add your proficiency bonus to damage.  

Intelligence to Skills

For each positive modifier to your Intelligence, you gain any one skill, tool, or language proficiency. This applies at character creation, and each time your score permanently increases, such as by an Ability Score Increase or a manual, such as Tome of Clear Thoughts.  

New Spell Uses

Create or Destroy Water

Create Water. This spell now deals 3d8 cold damage to any Fire Elementals in the radius (Constitution save for half damage). Destroy Water. This spell now deals 3d8 necrotic damage to any Water Elementals in the radius (Constitution save for half damage).   All damage dealt by create or destroy water is increased by 1d8 for each level cast above 1st level.


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