Background: Fashionista in Malyk | World Anvil
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Background: Fashionista

You are up to date with what is haute and what is not. You have learned how to to create clothing, including stabilization, and are up to date with current trends. You know the fashion of, not just clothes, but armor as well.       Skill Proficiencies: History, Performance   Tool Proficiencies: Weaver's tools, Smith's tools   Equipment: A set of fine clothes, weaver's tools, smith's tools, a wallet with 50 myrrin .    

Feature: Maker's Mark

  Thanks to your knowledge and artistry, whenever you craft clothing or armor, you can imbue your own style. Wearable gear you craft have a unique style that cannot be easily replicated. You can also identify any unique styles of wearable gear, and automatically know if two pieces of clothing of the same type were made by the same artist. This feature does not work on mass produced or low quality gear.  

Suggested Characteristics

A fashionista can have a wide range of ambitions or personalities, and can come from poverty or riches. Some aspire to create fashion universal to all people, and some desire beautiful people to wear their clothing.
d8 Personality Trait
1 I must present my art upon myself, and make myself as eloquent as possible to show others my artistry.
2 I desire for all to find happiness in my art, even the common folk.
3 I find those with no fashion sense to be disguising.
d6 Ideal
1 Compassion. Making others beautiful brings me joy. (Good)
2 Passion. I am at my most relaxed state while crafting my art. (Lawful)
3 Independence. I must find a way for my style and artistry to be unique. I cannot be compared to another. (Chaotic)
4 Purity. I cannot let my art be tainted by the ugly or the poor. (Evil)
5 People. Humanity itself is art. Clothing accentuate their natural beauty. (Neutral)
6 Perfection. My work must be the best, or I'll keep trying. (Any)
d6 Bond
d6 Flaw


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