Tower of Tazioc Rules in Malpos | World Anvil

Tower of Tazioc Rules

“The Tower must be solved. Long has it stood over the bottom of the world. Kingdoms have risen and fallen before it and yet it remains. The dweomer that binds those who enter promises power but taxes more than it doles. Even when the Tower itself crumbled, its shadow stood tall and its chambers still opened for those seeking to sacrifice themselves to it. Patrons rise and gather rank to feed more to this arcane edifice. The Tower must be solved.”
  Welcome to the Tower of Tazioc, a dungeon delve that combines new- and old-school philosophies! This series combines the loose, wacky nature of a funhouse dungeon with a through-line narrative and challenge to the players to solve this ancient tower's mysteries. Characters start at 1st level to grow in power as they complete chambers in the dungeon but BEWARE! The Tower of Tazioc is ruthless and seeks the souls of those who enter it. Once enough power is gained, a player may choose to retire their character to establish their own House of Patronage to sponsor future characters to take up the call after them.

Character Creation

  Heroes: The protagonists of the Tower of Tazioc are referred to as Heroes. All Heroes start their adventures in the Tower of Tazioc at level 1 with base starting equipment. Use Standard Array or Point Buy for stat generation. All official 5e content is permitted. All heroes will be recorded in the Tazioc Player Heroes & Houses
  Guest Characters: Guest players who do not plan on joining the Tower of Tazioc for long term play may create a character at the lowest level present in the session roster. They start with base equipment. Guest Characters do not recieve rewards. Long term players may find reason to play as a guest character as well. If they do so, no rewards are gained and no House of Patronage resources may be used.
  Backgrounds: Due to the dungeon-focused nature of the Tower of Tazioc's playstyle, many of the available Background features that provide benefits such as housing, NPC contacts, wilderness exploration, and travel options are unlikely to come up. You may replace your ordinary background feature with a Tazioc Background Features

Gameplay Overview

Session Structure

  Sessions are allotted four hours on the clock but the active game play will likely be closer to three and a half. All sessions will begin with a Logistics Phase. This is an opportunity for character introductions, discussion of goals for room choices, and making purchases from the shop. The Logistics Phase will be limited to 30 minutes maximum before the party enters the tower for their Exploration Phase.
  The Exploration Phase will be the bulk of each session. Within the Nascent Chamber, the heroes will have a selection of magical doors to choose between that will take them to different chambers. The starting doors will be for Tier I characters but players can unlock Tier II,III, and IV doors with special keys found in the tower. Once entered, each Chamber will have a challenge that must be overcome to complete the room. Common objectives will be to eliminate all threats, locate a switch, or solve a puzzle. Most rooms can be exited whether or not complete. Once you leave a room, you will not be able to return to it that day. The most treacherous rooms require you to complete them in order to leave. Keep an eye on the clock! Failing to leave the Tower before the allotted time means death!
  The session will end with the Reward Phase where the collected Treasures and XP will be awarded. All players present for the challenges will be awarded the same rewards.


The different rooms of the Tower of Tazioc are reached by entering portals in the Nascent Chamber. A room's portal in the Nascent Chamber will close after the party goes through, preventing them from repeating the same room on repeat in a given adventuring day. Each room has a unique name that players can use to better understand the room and remember it. Certain names will immediately clue a player into what the room is about while others may help a player to solve the room only after entering it and interacting with its contents. In order to leave the room and return to the Nascent chamber, the hero will have to go through the Return Portal. Many rooms will have an open Return Portal where they enter the room. Other times, returning is more challenging. The Return Portal may be out of sight or it might be closed. A closed portal requires the heroes to complete a fraction of the room's Challenge to open it again. While inside the room, a Return Portal's state of Open or Closed is metaknowledge the players will have whether or not the character can actively see the portal.
  Each room will have a Challenge to be completed in order to gain experience. While a room may have multiple aspects to it such as exploration, combat, roleplay, or the use of skills, each room will have a specific objective to be completed. When a room's objective is completed Below is a nonexhaustive section on Challenge Types that these objectives can fall into. Completing a room's Objective will award the party experience for the room if they all safely return to the Nascent Chamber. When an objective's most basic level is completed, the players will gain the metaknowledge. A Room may have means of gaining further Rewards after that point but they will be informed when the lowest level of success is reached.
  A small selection of Room's will have a Termination state. A Termination state is a condition, that if met, prevents the party from completing the Objective for the room. For example, if a stealth-based room requires the party to traverse a courtyard undetected and a hero is spotted, the room may become Terminated.

Challenge Types

Escape: A room with an Escape objective will have it clearly labeled where the Objectives Not Done/Completed marker usually is. Escape rooms usually require the Heroes to open a closed Return Portal, locate a Return Portal that is out of site, or traverse a dangerous environment to get to a Return Portal. Some Escape rooms will only have the one Return Portal while others will allow you to return the way you entered without completing the objective.
  Puzzle: A puzzle-based room can have an extreme degree of variability. A puzzle challenge will not require the heroes to bring any outside items or spells into the room to complete the puzzle. That said, some puzzles may be impossible to complete if the players do not have the proper perspective or knowledge base. An example of outside knowledge is knowing the difference between a deciduous and coniferous tree. A puzzle that requires outside knowledge can be gained by the players by investigating the environment and asking if specific Skill or Tool Proficiencies (checks or automatic) might be able to give hints. The increased difficulty of Puzzle rooms is offset by their relatively safe nature with fewer ways for the character to be in danger. Many Tier I Puzzles have no way to lose character health or resources outside of player choice.
  Proficiency Focus: A Proficiency Focus room is a room meant to highlight a particular Skill Proficiency or Tool Proficiency. Proficiency Focus rooms will usually have some element that is puzzle-like or combat inclusive. The proficiency of choice for the room will either provide a puzzle's answer, decrease the difficulty of a puzzle by a magnitude of difficulty, or be leveraged in the form of ability checks to make a project or combat much more in your favor to win.
  Slay All: The simplest of all room challenges, Slay All rooms require the characters to eliminate all threats within the room. While there may be other aspects to the room, those other aspects alter the combat difficulty and are not strictly required to complete the room's objective.


The nature of the tower makes resting difficult. A single Short Rest may be taken in the Nascent Chamber between each room exploration. Consequences of failure in certain rooms may effect whether a Short Rest can be taken after the room is exited. Features that allow for a quickened Short Rest such as the Catnap spell or a Genie Warlock’s vessel can be used to Short Rest inside a room. To attempt a Long Rest anywhere in the tower is certain death.

Death and the Strife Siphon

The Tower of Tazioc gluttonously feeds upon death within its halls. A hero that dies within a chamber of Tazioc begins the tower's Strife Siphon. If the fallen hero is not revived before leaving the room, the tower writhes with energy as all gathered Rewards are consumed by the tower's fell magic. No Rewards will be granted for this or previously completed rooms during this exploration.
  Additionally, the Tower seeks to draw the life force from the Heroes at all times. If a Heroes remains in the Tower beyond the session's allotted time, the Tower will suck the soul from the body in a split moment! Keep an eye on the clock and get yourself out before it's too late. Some chambers are more difficult to escape so it is recommended you plan to leave 15 minutes before the end of the session's set time.

Value Decay

In addition to the Strife Siphon above, the tower sucks away the inherent properties of many items brought into the tower. Most items are considered Consumable and if the players don’t use them, the tower will. All purchased items from the Tazioc Store such as potions, tool kits, and supplies are destroyed at the end of the adventure. Weapons, Armor, and Spell Focuses (including bardic instruments) survive the tower. All heroes can start each adventure with an Starting Equipment Pack so those items can functionally be saved over as well.


Different chambers in the Tower of Tazioc allow for a few different kinds of rewards. All rewards are gathered as a group and awarded in the Reward Phase once adjusted by other factors such as a the Strife Siphon. All collected rewards are recorded in a Google Sheet here Tazioc Resource Ledgerfor clear accounting of income and spending.


  Treasure represents the coins, art, and goods taken from chambers. Characters must discover possible treasure in every room which can either be as simple as looting the dead or as complex as breaking into a vault. Certain rooms have Treasure that can instead be taken in the form of consumable items to be used in the current dungeon run. All Treasure that is collected for it's value is awarded at its base gold value. Treasure can be spent at the shop on Consumable items in the next adventure. Once a player establishes a House of Patronage, they can also use their treasure to build a Home Base for additional benefits.

Gate Gems

These arcane crystals act as catalysts to open the greater chambers of Tazioc. Found in lower chambers, they allow heroes to face greater threats in pursuit of greater knowledge. Gate Gems are divided into Tiers II, III, and IV. Portals to Tier II, III, and IV rooms randomly spawn into the Nascent Chamber just like Tier I rooms but are Locked, unable to be entered. In order to enter an upper Tier Room, an appropriate Gate Gem must be expended. A single Gate Gem unlocks the portal for all characters. When Gate Gems are awarded, all characters will receive one.

Experience Points (XP)

  The act of completing rooms in Tazioc unlocks potential and reveals knowledge to heroes far faster than any other process in the world. At the risk of death, heroes bound to Tazioc can harvest its experience to grow in power rapidly. The amount of XP each room is determined by its tier squared:
Tier I: 1XP Tier II: 4 XP Tier III: 9 XP Tier IV: 16XP
    Extracurricular Experience: Players may earn additional experience for an established character by playing in other Milestone Play one shots and mini-campagins! Time is a limiting factor and I recognize that for every other game I run that is one less Tower of Tazioc for devoted players to grind. 2 XP will be rewarded per oneshot. This was chosen to reward the relatively safe “Two Tier I” rooms that can be expected to be completed without much danger to a character. I do not want to over incentivize attending other games until your character is leveled. It is enough to boost consistent Tazioc players while respecting that not all players will have the time or desire for the other games.

Experience and Leveling Up:

Upon collecting enough Experience Points, a character may Level Up between adventures into the Tower of Tazioc. Experience Points can be accumulated and then spent for multiple Level-Ups between sessions if desired. Be warned that while lower threat rooms may allow for less dangerous XP gathering, grinding on lesser tiers is a magnitude slower than facing the challenges of a greater tiered room.
The XP cost to level up is equal to your Current Level + Current Tier.


The Tower of Tazioc does have adjustments to its rooms for higher tiered heroes than the tier of the room (i.e. a level 11 fighter going into a Tier II room). Despite this, the room will still be easier than a room of the next tier up. The overleveled character should simply be weary of how these additional dangers may affect weaker party members. The additional ogre or room effect may be entirely manageable for you but be deadly for a party member. It becomes your responsibility to deal with the additions

Grinding Levels

The rate of experience given per room versus the amount of XP needed for each level pushes for Heroes to favor exploring rooms of their tier. While it is possible to gain the required XP to reach Level 20 on Tier 1 rooms alone, that would require 236 successful room completions. Put in perspective, even if you averaged 5 rooms per session, that is nearly 50 sessions. Opposite this, deliberately running the exact combination of rooms for each level XP or simply getting to Tier II and then grinding those rooms would only take 66-70 chambers to complete. Averaging only three rooms per session will still take half the amount of sessions to complete as grinding Tier I. While it can be smart to play it safe earlier on in a Tier, the sooner you get the courage to commit to more challenging rooms the faster you will level. Running solely your current Tier’s Rooms can get you to level 20 in as little as 44 rooms but it is significantly riskier. If you can get a party of Tier IV players to safely carry a fresh Hero through Tier IV rooms, it can be done in 15.


A public account of all rewards, transactions, and expenditures will be maintained for open book-keeping. The informal book-keeping happens on the Milestone Play RPG Discord server. The Tazioc Category has an area for Player Submissions to post what they are purchasing. These purchases are then confirmed in the Transaction Ledger. The more finalized book-keeping happens here. The Tazioc Player Heroes & Houses shows the current state of player's Active Heroes and links to their House of Patronage. The Tazioc Resource Ledgercontains the specifics of resources gained and spent. In addition to the Logistics phase, players may reach out for purchases between sessions such as leveling up or building out their Home Base. Once a purchase has been confirmed in the Google Sheet, it is final.

Entering the Tower: Session Structure

Logistics Phase

The start of each session will have a Logistics Phase where players can purchase items from the shop, spend Downtime if they have it, and plan.
  New characters start with base starting equipment which they choose from the class options or take the Starting Wealth option.
  Returning characters may have any improved weapons or armor they have purchased in the past.
  When purchasing items for the shop or spending downtime, a player should type out a list of what they are purchasing (specific selections and costs) and post it into the Discord's "Purchase Submissions". This is to make group resources known and easier ledger keeping for the GM post-session.

Ending the Logistics Phase

Players may end the Logistics Phase as soon as everyone is done with their activities. However, the Logistics Phase has a hard cutoff of 30 minutes after the listed session time. This is to ensure appropriate time in the dungeon. It also acts as a soft reminder to keep your mind on the clock due to the harsh consequences of the Strife Siphon for not being out of the Tower of Tazioc in time.

Tazioc Store

Treasure may be spent before an adventure to buy consumables and spell components. All purchasable items can be found in the Tazioc Store. All unused items are lost at the end of the adventure due to the tower’s Value Decay. It is important to use any items that you purchase for maximum efficiency.
All Purchases are done during the session’s Logistics Phase.

Exploration Phase

Nascent Chamber

The Nascent Chamber acts as the hub within the Tower of Tazioc where a number of portals to Tier I rooms slowly alternate over time. At the start of each adventure, a set of chambers will be chosen for the heroes to explore. For new adventurers, the chambers will all be unknown. For experienced adventures, some rooms may be revisited. This allows for players to use their past experience to overcome the room more efficiently.
  After completing a room, the Returning Portal should bring the heroes back to the Nascent Chamber though problems or extended challenges have happened in the past. Once back in the Nascent Chamber, heroes may choose to enter another room or retreat from the tower for the day. All players will decide if they wish to continue explorations or not before the transition occurs (players cannot unknowingly be abandoned into a chamber with half the party backing out after they commit).
  Not all Portals in the Nascent Chamber may be freely entered. All portals to Tier I rooms begin "Open". Portals to Tier II, III, and IV rooms appear in a Locked state. A Gate Gem of an appropriate tier must be used to Open the Portal. After a portal has been entered, it becomes Closed and cannot be re-entered that session without some means to recreate the portal.

Reward Phase

At the end of the session, all relevant rewards will be confirmed. Players may immediately spend XP to level up, spend treasure on building or expanding their Home Base, or choose to retire characters. Once these purchases are confirmed in the Ledgers the selection is permanent. If these actions have not be thought about, players are encouraged to take some time contemplate them. You can always reach out between sessions or wait until your next session's Logistics Phase to take these actions along with purchasing equipment and spending Downtime.  

Outside the Tower


  Upon reaching Tier II and above, a character may be retired from the Tower of Tazioc to gain certain benefits for the player. Any player may retire their first Hero once they hit Tier II (Level 5). Additional Heroes may be retired after a "Manor Expansion" is built (See Home Base for more details).
  1st Retirement: Establishing a House of Patronage
Tier Requirement: II
The Hero may be retired to establish a growing House of Patronage among the powers that run Tazioc. All funds saved by the retired and future characters will be recorded in the House's Treasury. Additionally, the player unlocks Downtime. While the player's current Hero spends their time between adventures recuperating and preparing, the retired character earns Downtime to be spent during the Logistics Phase. Downtime is awarded synchronously with the real world: for every week that passes, the one week of downtime is accrued.

Secondary Retirements

  After retiring your first character, future characters may be retired into your House of Patronage to further build it up. For every "Manor Expansion" Home Base upgrade purchased (see the "Home Base" section below), you may retire an additional Hero. The benefit that Secondary Retirement provides is chosen at the time of their retirement. Each benefit has a required Tier that the Hero must be. When Retiring a multiclassed character, the class they have more levels in is considered their main class. If there is a tie, it is the class they started with.
  Steward (Tier II): The House gains a bonus to their Downtime Rate. The first Steward earns +0.5 to increase the rate to 1.5 times real world. Stewards two and three both earn 0.25 to hit a maximum of 2x downtime.
  Occupation (Tier II): The Home Base gains a Magical Craftsman as your Hero retires to a background role. Choose an option from the Occupations List that matches a Tool Proficiency that your Hero has. If you choose a Tool Proficiency, all future heroes automatically enter the Tower with the tool set for free.
  Class Education (Tier II): Choose one of the Retired Hero's skill or tool proficiency that they gained from their Class. All Heroes from your House of Patronage gain that proficiency in addition to their own. If the Hero already has that proficiency, they instead gain expertise in it.
  Class Training (Tier III): Depending on the Class and Subclass of the retired character, all future Heroes gain a set benefit. A House of Patronage may only have a single Class Training for a specific class. A hero that already has a class feature normally (i.e. a level 2 fighter with Action Surge) does not gain a second from Class Training.
Artificer: All of your weapon attacks are treated as magic for overcoming resistances and immunities
Bard: Gain the Jack of All Trades feature.
Barbarian: Once per adventure, you may Rage as the Barbarian feature at your current total level.
Cleric: Once per adventure, you may use the retired character's level 2 archetype Channel Divinity feature at your current total level.
Druid: Nonmagical difficult terrain no longer costs you extra movement. Once per Adventure, you may choose to gain a Swim or Climb speed for 1 minute.
Fighter: Once per Adventure, you may Action Surge as the Fighter feature
Monk: You may use your Bonus Action to make a melee attack with STR or DEX that deals 1d6+stat damage.
Paladin: Once per Adventure, you may Divine Smite as the Paladin feature.
Ranger: Once per Adventure, select an enemy at the start of your turn to learn its Resistances, Immunities, and Vulnerabilities.
Rogue: You may use your Bonus Action to Dash or Disengage
Sorcerer: Once per Adventure, you may use the Heightened Spell metamagic as the Sorcerer feature.
Warlock: Once per Adventure, you may cast the spell Hex at level 1 without concentration.
Wizard: Once per Adventure, you may use Arcane Recovery as the Wizard Feature at your current total level.

Downtime Activities

Accrued downtime can be spent on goods and services to both better equip your Hero as well as develop your Home Base.
  This section is still in early development
  Well Rested
Cost: 1 Week per Reward unit
Heroes increase their HP Maximum by 5 for each week spent Resting
  Training & Preparation
Cost: 1 Week per Reward unit
The Hero gains one additional, expendable d12 Hit Die to be spent in the Tower.   Gathering Funds
Cost: 1 Week per Reward unit
The House of Patronage can accrue funds at a rate of 200 gp per work week.
Cost: 1 Week per Reward Unit
Through libraries and parlors, you gather deep deep knowledge on what the tower has in store for you. You gain a number of Research Points. When you enter the Nascent Chamber this session, you may ask for one piece of information from a selected portal:
~ What category of challenge lies within? (ex. Slay All, Puzzle, Proficiency Focus, Escape)?
~ What Treasure grade is the room? (None, Low, Normal, High)
~ Does the return portal have a Lock Condition? (Yes or No)
~ Is there a Gate Gem within that room? (Yes or No)
~ Is there a Termination state for the room? (Yes or No)
  Equipment Maintenance
Cost: 1 Week per Grade (Maximum 4)
When you take this downtime activity, you gain a number of improvements for this adventure based on which Magical Craftsman you have unlocked. For each week you spend, you unlock another benefit. If you have multiple magical Craftsman that function off of Grades, using the Equipment Maintenance downtime activates each of their improvements for that Grade.
  Stocking Supplies
Cost: 1 Week per Reward unit
When you take this downtime activity, you gain 1 Supply Point. Supply Points may be spent during a Tower delve to activate the special bonuses granted to you by any Magical Craftsmen that functions off of Supply Points.  

Home Base

After establishing a House of Patronage, a Home Base can be developed. These structures will unlock new features to improve your Heroes and increase your chances of being the one to solve the Tower of Tazioc.
  This section is still in early development


Manor Expansion
Cost: 10,000 gp per Retirement Slot
The Manor Expansion will allow a House of Patronage to have additional retired members. A new wing of the manor must be built for each new retired hero.
Cost: 5,000 gp
All heroes of this house start each adventure with their choice of mundane weapons and armor for personal use.  This likely means Studded Leather, Breastplate, Half plate, or Plate armor in place of their standard equipment and replacements for lost or damage weapons not included there.
Cost: 5,000 gp per additional Hero Slot
The Garrison will allow the House of Patronage to have multiple Active Heroes bound to the Tower in their service at one time. Each Garrison slot allows for an additional active Hero for that House of Patronage. A Player with multiple Active Heroes determines which Hero to play each session. Experience Points are calculated separately for each Hero. Once a Hero is retired, that Garrison Slot is free to hold a new Active Hero.
  Reagents Cabinet (X)
This Home Base Upgrade is bought in grades. Each grade must be bought in order. Buying the next grade improves the effect.
Cost 1: 5,000 gp
When a Hero of this house enters the Tower of Tazioc, they may bring with them one spell component for a spell of level 3 or lower that they do not need to pay the gold piece value for.  This item may be traded around the party as other consumables. The Tower's Value Decay destroys the component at the end of the session.
Cost 2: 10,000 gp
When a Hero of this house enters the Tower of Tazioc, they may bring with them one spell component for a spell of level 6 or lower that they do not need to pay the gold piece value for. This item may be traded around the party as other consumables. The Tower's Value Decay destroys the component at the end of the session.
Cost 3: 50,000 gp
When a Hero of this house enters the Tower of Tazioc, they may bring with them one spell component for a spell of level 9 or lower that they do not need to pay the gold piece value for. This item may be traded around the party as other consumables. The Tower's Value Decay destroys the component at the end of the session.
  Magical Craftsman
Cost: 50,000 gp to purchase OR A Secondary Retirement: “Occupation” for a character with the appropriate Tool proficiciency.
A skilled craftsman will expand what goods your House can produce. Choose an option form the Occupations List to unlock. During Logisitics, a character may spend Downtime to gain benefits from unlocked Magical Craftsman whether they are items or special effects to apply to themself or an allied Hero for the session

Occupations List for Magical Craftsman

Alchemist (Alchemist Supplies)
Special: This Magical Craftsman functions off of the Stocking Supplies downtime activity. After using that activity to gain one or more Supply Points for the adventure, you may spend those supply points during the session to activate one of these abilities.
1 Supply Point: As an Action, create an acid vial or alchemist’s fire and use it.
2 Supply Points: As a Bonus Action, create an acid vial or alchemist’s fire and use it.
3 Supply Points: As an Action, create a concentrated Acid or alchemist’s Blaze and use it.
4 Supply Points: As a Bonus Action, create a concentrated Acid or alchemist’s Blaze and use it.
  Refreshments (Brewer’s Supplies)
1 Week: During Short Rest, you can reroll 1’s on HD
2 Weeks: During Short Rest, you gain Inspiration if you started below Max HP and ended at Max
3 Weeks: The entire party can reroll 1’s on HD during a Short Rest
4 Weeks: The entire party can gain Inspiration if they start below Max HP and end at Max during a Short Rest.
  Scribe (Calligrapher’s Supplies)
1 Week: Gain a Level 1 Spell Scroll that any character can use.
2 Weeks: Gain a Level 2 Spell Scroll that any character can use
3 Weeks: Gain a Level 3 Spell Scroll that any character can use
4 Weeks: Gain a Level 4 Spell Scroll that any character can use
  Builder: Carpenter (Carpenter’s Tool)
Reduce the Gold Piece cost of expansions to the Home Base by 10%. This is cumulative with the Builder: Mason craftsman up to 20%
  Scholar (Cartographer’s Tools)
For ever Work Week spent on the Research downtime activity, earn 2 Research Points
  Cobbler (Cobbler’s Tools)
This Magical Craftsman functions off of the Equipment Maintenance downtime activity.
Grade 1: Increase your walking speed by 5 ft
Grade 2: Advantage on rolls preventing being knocked Prone or moved
Grade 3: Increase the party’s walking speed by 5 feet
Grade 4: The whole party gains Advantage on rolls preventing being knocked Prone or moved
  Caretaker (Cook’s Utensils)
The Well Rested Downtime Activity Max HP bonus increases to 10 per week.
  Medical Technician (Glassblower’s Tools)
Special: This Magical Craftsman functions off of the Stocking Supplies downtime activity. After using that activity to gain one or more Supply Points for the adventure, you may spend those supply points during the session to activate one of these abilities.
1 Supply Point: Syringe: One potion may be given to an ally using a Bonus Action
1 Supply Point: Double: Two Potions may be drunk with the same Bonus Action
2 Supply Points: Every Drop: Maximize a Healing Potion’s rolled dice
2 Supply Points: Split It: Two adjacent characters gain the rolled HP.
  Appraiser (Jeweler’s Tools)
1 Week: Treasure collected in this adventure increases by 5%
2 Weeks: Treasure collected in this adventure increases by 10%
3 Weeks: Treasure collected in this adventure increases by 20%
4 Weeks: Treasure collected in this adventure increases by 50%
  Light Infantry (Leatherworker’s Tools)
This Magical Craftsman functions off of the Equipment Maintenance downtime activity.
Grade 1: A hero wearing Leather or Studded gains +1 AC (does not stack)
Grade 2: A hero wearing Leather or Studded gains advantage on Dexterity Saves
Grade 3: All heroes in the party wearing Leather or Studded gain +1 AC (does not stack)
Grade 4: All heroes in the party wearing Leather or Studded gain advantage on Dexterity Saves
  Builder: Mason (Mason’s Tools)
Reduce the Gold Piece cost of expansions to the Home Base by 10%. This is cumulative with the Builder: Carpenter craftsman up to 20%
  Artist: Musician (Musical Instrument)
The Gathering Funds Downtime Activity increases to 600 gp. This is cumulative with the Artist: Painter craftsman up to 1000 gp
  Artist: Painter (Painter’s Supplies)
The Gathering Funds Downtime Activity increases to 600 gp. This is cumulative with the Artist: Musician craftsman up to 1000 gp
  Grenadier (Potter’s Tools)
This Magical Craftsman functions off of the Equipment Maintenance downtime activity.
Grade 1: You are proficient with all Alchemical weapons during this adventure
Grade 2: Alchemical weapons deal 1d6 Piercing damage to the target and to all adjacent creatures to the square you target in combat
Grade 3: You gain advantage with all attacks made with Alchemical weapons
Grade 4: Any miss with an alchemical weapon does not expend its use.
  Smith (Smith’s Tools)
This Magical Craftsman functions off of the Equipment Maintenance downtime activity.
Grade 1: Increase a weapon’s damage die by one size (d4, d6, d8,d10,d12, 2d8)
Grade 2: Increase the positive influence of Dexterity in a suit of Armor’s AC calculation by one point (this includes Heavy Armor)
Grade 3: Increase a weapon’s Critical hit Range by 1
Grade 4: Gain Immunity to Critical hits from any attack that includes physical damage
  Handyman (Tinker’s Tools)
Special: This Magical Craftsman functions off of the Stocking Supplies downtime activity. After using that activity to gain one or more Supply Points for the adventure, you may spend those supply points during the session to activate one of these abilities.
1 Supply Point: Repair any damaged (but not destroyed) equipment on a Short Rest
1 Supply Point: Produce a free undetermined tool kit to be decided when needed
2 Supply Points: Make a weapon or armor immune to damage this adventure
2 Supply Points: 200 gp value of PHB Adventuring Gear producible outside combat
  Tailor (Weaver’s Tools)
This Magical Craftsman functions off of the Equipment Maintenance downtime activity.
Grade 1: A hero not wearing a suit of armor gains +1 AC (does not stack)
Grade 2: A hero not wearing a suit of armor gains advantage on Dexterity Saves
Grade 3: All heroes in the party not wearing a suit of armor gain +1 AC (does not stack)
Grade 4: All heroes in the party not wearing a suit of armor gain advantage on Dexterity Saves
  Wandmaker (Woodcarver’s Tools)
1 Week: Gain a Common Wand for the Adventure
2 Weeks: Gain an Uncommon Wand for the Adventure
4 Weeks: Gain a Rare Wand for the Adventure
8 Weeks: Gain a Very Rare Wand for the Adventure
  Chameleon (Disguise Kit)
1 Week: Gain a Sanctuary effect in the first Room you enter
2 Weeks: Gain a Sanctuary effect in the first two Rooms you enter
3 Weeks: Gain a Sanctuary effect in the first three Rooms you enter
4 Weeks: Gain a Sanctuary effect in the first four Rooms you enter
  Reproductionist (Forgery Kit)
1 Week: Gain a Tier II Gate Gem
2 Weeks: Gain a Tier III Gate Gem
3 Weeks: Gain a Tier II Dousing Rod
4 Weeks: Gain a Tier III Dousing Rod
  Healer (Herbalism Kit)
Special: This Magical Craftsman functions off of the Stocking Supplies downtime activity. After using that activity to gain one or more Supply Points for the adventure, you may spend those supply points during the session to activate one of these abilities.
1 Supply Point: Gain a Potion of Healing that automatically heals for full value (8 HP)
2 Supply Points: Gain a Potion of Healing, Greater that automatically heals for full value (20 HP)
3 Supply Points: Gain a Potion of Healing, Superior that automatically heals for full value (40 HP)
4 Supply Points: Gain a Potion of Healing, Supreme that automatically heals for full value (60 HP)
  Logistics (Navigator’s Tools)
At the beginning of an Adventure, the Hero of this house may predict a series of room Tiers that will be taken. Whenever the Party follows the predicted course, everyone gains a point of Inspiration.
  Slayer (Poisoner’s Kit)
Special: This Magical Craftsman functions off of the Stocking Supplies downtime activity. After using that activity to gain one or more Supply Points for the adventure, you may spend those supply points during the session to activate one of these abilities.
1 Supply Point: Choose one creature and ignore its damage resistances
2 Supply Points: Choose one creature and reduce its damage immunities to resistances
3 Supply Points: Choose one creature and enhance one unaltered damage type into a vulnerability
4 Supply Points: Choose one creature and remove one Condition immunity
  Tower Raider (Thieves’ Tools)
Special: This Magical Craftsman functions off of the Stocking Supplies downtime activity. After using that activity to gain one or more Supply Points for the adventure, you may spend those supply points during the session to activate one of these abilities.
1 Supply Point: Gain Advantage on a Thieves’ Tools check
1 Supply Point: Target an object or 10ft area and learn if it is trapped
2 Supply Points: Produce a silent Knock effect with an Action
3 Supply Points: On a Failed Thieves’ Tools check, choose to succeed.

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