Dwarves in Malpos | World Anvil


Dwarves are a resilient people. Strong and enduring, they are known for tethering themselves in places that others would forsake. Dwarves are stocky and thick. They are naturally endomorphs and average in height around four feet despite maintaining the same weight as an average person. Their crafts tend to be more robust and praised for their dependability. Then again, beings that live for up to five centuries want their material goods to last.   Deep Cavern Dwarves   These dwarves are what more people stereotypically think of as dwarves. They make their communities deep inside the earth, either below the surface or inside mountains. They are the miners, smiths, and stonecutters. Their outlook on life tends to be to plant themselves in a foundation and weather whatever may come. They have a propensity for alcohol and tend to use it as the basis for their holy water.   Desert Dwarves    These dwarves make their communities in deserts and wastelands. Their sprawling cities rise out of shifting sands, climb up the sides of cliff faces (and into them) or a combination. Their resiliency is based on standing fast when that is an option, but adapting and shifting when that would prove to be the better option.   Opposite of typical dwarven custom, many of these communities actually eschew alcohol for various practical and ideological reasons. Some see it as a possible hazard in a harsh environment while others think that a clouded judgment is not becoming of a proud people.


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