Hurzok Character in Malatoria | World Anvil
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The Force of Rebellion and Freedom (a.k.a. The Unchained)

Hurzok is a divine force; a sexless being worshiped as the Force of Rebellion and Freedom. Hurzok's followers fight against oppression and injustice in times of strife. In days of peace, those following Hurzok's path strive to lead aescetic lives, free from the "bondage of materialism and indulgence."  Hurzok's divinity exists on a binary with Kovuln, and they are collectively known as the "War Gods" of the Reformed Pantheon.

Divine Domains

War, Life, Light

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A shillelagh with green leaves, a ray of golden light in the darkness, a black chain with a broken golden link.

Tenets of Faith

Fight against oppression, avoid attachment to material goods, reserve behavior and judgement against over indulgence.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hurzok's head and upper torso are often depicted as light personified, with scintillating eyes weeping tears of joy.  Their appendages and lower half are humanoid; lithe and strong.  Hurzok often carries a shillelagh tipped with green oak leaves.

Apparel & Accessories

Hurzok carries a shillelagh made from a living branch of an oak tree.


Contacts & Relations

Although known as one of the twin "War Gods" of the Reformed Pantheon, Hurzok and Kovuln are often viewed as being twin sides of the same entity, rather than as individuals. This binary does not, however, prevent each from being worshipped as an individual.
Scintillating and crying


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