Geminon Character in Malatoria | World Anvil
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God of Trade and Wealth (a.k.a. The Prosperous)

A member of the Reformed Pantheon of Malatorian Deities, Geminon is the God of Trade and Wealth. He is the twin brother of Ocario, and the two are often seen depicted together. Like his brother, Geminon is often depicted as a curly haired young man, but his face is stern and he often holds a plumb line or pendulum.  Geminon's followers favor persistence, negotiation, and hard work as a path to prosperity.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Order

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Devotees of Geminon often carry or wear two rings: one of gold, one of iron.  Plumb lines and pendulums are also closely associated with his worship.
Divine Classification


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