Barakor Character in Malatoria | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Lord of Murder)

Barakor is evil in the extreme, the god of hatred and savagery. He loves to destroy happiness in any form and is content when the world is in a state of chaos. He is a murderer and a thief. His only ambition is to destroy. He is usually worshipped only by madmen and extremely wicked people. Barakor is also known as the Lord of Murder.   Unlike most of the other gods in the pantheon, Barakor takes no single form consistently in religious iconography. Whatever shape he assumes, however, his cold murderous smile is always present. This seems to represent the passing bouts of insanity that many of his followers are afflicted with.   Since most of his faithful are insane, there is no recognized holy text devoted to the worship of Barakor. Many have been written over the centuries, but they are mostly filled with incomprehensible jibberish and insane ramblings.
Divine Classification


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