The North Pole
Known as "The Middle" to the Fei, the North Pole of Mala serves as a central hub to the inhabitants north of the Ice Rings.
As the axial tilt of Mala is so extreme, and the poles are tropical, while the lands farther south are much colder, the central area is forested, with huge jungle trees poking out of the canopy of brilliantly colored foliage. In the very center are the floating isles held by the planet's extremely powerful magnetic field. Deserts and mountains border the jungle, and the moister from the jungle mixed with the cold mountain currents create powerful thunderstorms, charging the air nearly constantly with static electricity. Even worse, the constant lightning in these areas ignite the volatile gases poring from the mountains, causing great pillars or clouds of fire. These so-called 'firestorms' rain liquid flame down on the jungles, wreaking havoc on the fauna.
Small lakes and ponds are common, as the area is very rugged, and the rivers coming from the mountains often pool in valleys, ravines, crevices, and pockets. Larger lakes are much rarer. The land is heavily fragmented, and no one continent exists, but rather, is a multitude of small island chains that all interconnect and intertwine together, to make one meandering biome that is part aquatic, part terrestrial, and part aerial.
Fauna & Flora
The main sentient inhabitant is the Feirie themselves. They live mainly in the trees jutting above the jungle. Humans exist as a minority population, in small colonies. Giants are rare, but a few tribes live by the mountains. All of the Drakynkind, except the Drakynfly are extinct in this area.Non-sentient
Large carnivorous beasts that breathe the toxic gases live in the mountain caves, preying on anything that wanders or gets lost down there. Many types of insectoids,Plantlife
Thousands of varied plants live in and around the North Pole. Tree-like spikes, various vines, Migrating Mounds, Dreamweed, Nok-milk, are just some of the major flora.Natural Resources
The hazardous mountains hold many rare minerals, gases, ores, and fungal foods, but they are hardly, if ever, utilized, as the danger, between the aggressive predators and the lethal firestorms, is simply to great.
Forest, Jungle (Tropical)
Location under
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The most "wow" thing for me is that your world's poles are in equatorial line. That's just a unique new kind of pole! It makes me wonder: did you make some research about this configuration, or just let your mind wander? Anyway, it's a very nice job. Keep it!
Uhhh, the way I described this is probably confusing and need to be rewritten. The Poles are still in their normal spots. There are only the two normal ones. The North Pole and the South Pole. BUT, they are not arctic. They are tropical and the equator is arctic. The equator has two band of Ice around it, since the axial tilt is very extreme. See this video for an explanation of how this happens and why: the important bit is at 4:55. So, it isn't the poles that are in a equatorial line, it is the ice caps that are in a equatorial line. Or rather two small equatorial lines, one slightly north and one slightly south, but that's for other reasons. These are what are called the "Ice Rings" What probably confused you was that I refereed to the Pole as the "middle" but that's because the Faerie live only on the north hemisphere, so to them, the north pole is the 'middle' of their world. Sorry for the confusion, all my articles on this site are very in progress, and/or out-of-date and i rarely update them. (hence the long time since your comment was posted)
No problem! Thanks for the deep answer, It still looks very interesting!