Swamp Spirit Character in Makkah | World Anvil
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Swamp Spirit

The High Spirit of the northern swamps. They've stayed in their crocodile form for the past hundreds of years to avoid all the High Spirit drama.

Divine Domains

Northern swamps

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Keep their swamp safe

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very big, strong, stealthy, and fast as a crocodile.

Body Features

Green-gray scales with white undersides--unless they're camouflaged. Their scales can shift color to blend with their environment, if they want to go extra-stealthy.

Identifying Characteristics

Very, very large.

Special abilities

As a High Spirit they control the swamp. After living so long as a crocodile, they practically are the swamp.

Specialized Equipment

They're often seen smoking a long clay pipe that smells of a burning carcass decaying in bog water

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Genderfluid, good with any pronouns

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has assimilated theirself so completely with their swamp that when they breathe, the swamp breathes. It's said the Swamp Spirit's presence can be felt wherever you are in the swamp, that they're always watching.   Ate the Grass Spirit's leg.

Morality & Philosophy

You don't mess with me, I don't mess with you.

Personality Characteristics


Just wants to live peacefully in their swamp and keep jerks out of their safe haven.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at protecting their swamp   Bad at being nice

Likes & Dislikes

Likes their swamp   Dislikes most everything and one outside their swamp

Virtues & Personality perks

Generally fair and nonjudgmental, will help you if you're polite

Vices & Personality flaws

Does not care if you die, rude, doesn't care about anything other than their swamp


Covered in mud all the time


Contacts & Relations

On bad terms with most of the High Spirits, most notably the Grass Spirit.

Social Aptitude

Extreme introvert. Opposite of charismatic.

Hobbies & Pets

Those they allow into their swamp are friends.
Divine Classification
High Spirit
True Neutral
Current Residence
Northern swamplands
Yellow-green crocodilian
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
They don't need to speak all that much. Humans can feel their emotions seeping through the swamp, and that speaks plenty for the Swamp Spirit.
Ruled Locations

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