Storm Spirit Character in Makkah | World Anvil
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Storm Spirit

Chief Storm

The Storm Spirit is neither sky nor land god, but rules the things in between. They're the friendliest of the High Spirits and throw the best celebrations.

Divine Domains

In between the sky and land.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Storm cloud.


Most celebrations are in spring, to celebrate the end of winter storms and return of spring drizzles.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Provide the necessary rainfall for all creatures.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Plus-size, strong, very solid.

Body Features

Brown skin. Their big muscly arms are criss-crossed with scars.

Facial Features

Scar running through their lip makes it look like they're always half-smiling. Also they're always smiling.

Identifying Characteristics

Very scarred.

Physical quirks


Special abilities

As a High Spirit they control storms and any other things in between the sky and land.   They can high spirit bind.   Animal form is a grizzly bear.

Apparel & Accessories

Doesn't believe in clothes. Was convinced to wear something at least long ago, so now they wrap a buffalo robe around their shoulders and call it good.

Specialized Equipment

They carry many instruments on their person, from drums to rattles to whistles to wind chimes. Depending on what tune or rhythm they play, the weather changes.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Agender, they/them



Accomplishments & Achievements

They keep the High Spirits from at each other's throats

Intellectual Characteristics

Not known as the most brilliant of strategists or leaders, but they are good at planning the season's storms and is well-known for their musical talents.

Morality & Philosophy

We're here to help another and lift each other up.

Personality Characteristics


Just wants to have a good time with everyone.   Does not like contention--so they end it.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very good at drumming and other music, having a good time, throwing celebrations, making friends   Not so good at dancing (they do their best), fighting (that's why they have so many scars), taking things seriously

Likes & Dislikes

Likes celebrations, summer storms, and salmon   Dislikes fighting/contention, winter, snow and snowstorms.

Virtues & Personality perks

They're friendly, cheerful (most of the time), generally helpful, easygoing and forgiving, and a lover of fun.

Vices & Personality flaws

They would rather die than admit to having a negative emotion, they can be a lot to handle, they will fight you to stop you from fighting (can be good, can be bad), they're not big on tradition.


Washes regularly


Contacts & Relations

Friends with all of the High Spirits and all their spirit servants

Social Aptitude

Extrovert, very charismatic and confident, always the starter and center of a celebration.

Hobbies & Pets

Considers all spirits, animals, and humans as their friends.


Very loud, beautiful voice, has a heavy accent when using languages not their own.



Friend (Important)

Towards Storm Spirit



Storm Spirit

Friend (Important)

Towards Hiamovi




The Storm Spirit has always liked making friends. So when they learned of a passionate young human who earnestly wished to meet a High Spirit in person, they were very excited to fulfill his dreams. Hiamovi was shocked to be praying one rainy day and have the Storm Spirit themself appear in a crack of thunder. After getting over his initial shock and awe--which took a long time, moons in fact--the two became friends, though Hiamovi has always treated the High Spirit with great respect and deference no matter how many times the Storm Spirit says he can relax.   When Hiamovi was younger and not yet High Chieftain, just a young man struggling to earn his place as a spirit binder, they slept together a few times. It took a lot of time for the Storm Spirit to seduce Hiamovi into doing so. They don't often do so any more, because Hiamovi doesn't feel comfortable making love with a High Spirit, but their friendship remains strong without sexual relations.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both care a lot about the people of the Makkah Nation, though the Storm Spirit is more concerned about the fun aspect of life and Hiamovi worries about their peace and stability.   They're both fond of wild celebrations. The Storm Spirit has caused many a bedlam in the spirit binders' camp because they were invited to a celebration and decided to make it better.

Legal Status

Hiamovi keeps their past sexual relationship private, while the Storm Spirit likes to hint at a lot of things. But the Storm Spirit says a lot of things, so no one thinks too hard when they profess their undying love for their "unmarried husband".

Divine Classification
High Spirit
Chaotic Good
Right is pale blue, left is dark brown
Long, black, very staticky
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
They have a good grasp on most languages, but speaks with a heavy accent if using a language other than spirits.

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