Dreams Spirit Character in Makkah | World Anvil
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Dreams Spirit

The Weaver, Spider Woman

The Dreams Spirit is not so much of a High Spirit as they are a guardian of dreams, the keeper of the pathway between the spirit and physical worlds. Each night they weave their net and connect physical and spiritual minds, awaken hearts when bodies slumbers, and allow the passage of dreams between humans, creatures, and spirits--for a price. The Dreams Spirit extracts a toll to those who use their dream web.   It's a rare event to actually see the Dreams Spirit themself, especially outside their spider form, but a few, such as the leader of the grassland spirit binders, can testify to what they look like. They exist solely in the dream world, a place between worlds, and can change their form however they see fit, from adding limbs to altering their hair style, as no natural laws have hold on them. But one feature that stays the same is their glowing orange eyes. Sometimes eight, sometimes one, but always burning dark amber.   There's a lot of misconceptions about them, that they're crazy and the sight of them will drive you mad too, that they enjoy torturing the minds of humans with impossibilities and tragedies, that spider bites on the neck or face mean you've met them and will go insane soon, but really they just weave the dream web and connect sleeping minds to others. A guardian and keeper of dreams.

Divine Domains

Dream realm

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Spiderweb and/or dreamcatcher

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

They lack a physical body and exist solely in a place between worlds, their form made and remade as they see fit.

Body Features

A common feature they take is dark skin with splotched patterns that glow dark shades of blue and purple.

Physical quirks

Dreamers who see the Dreams Spirit themself say that they always seem to be crouching, or clinging to an imaginary wall, or looming over the dreamer. Rarely standing or sitting like a normal person.

Special abilities

They manage the dream realm, weaving connections between dreamers to share and send dreams to another.

Apparel & Accessories

They almost always wear a cloak of spiderwebs, floating in an invisible breeze and stretching out farther than a dreamer's eye can see.

Specialized Equipment

They're often seen with their loom, weaving the threads of dreams and hearts of dreamers together in a massive quilt-web.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Agender, they/them



Accomplishments & Achievements

They've succeeded at keeping the Sun Spirit out of the dream realm for many cycles now, something they are very proud of.

Mental Trauma

It's common knowledge that the Dreams Spirit is insane.

Morality & Philosophy

A deal/contract is stronger than Law, honesty and fairness is critical.


They would never lie or cheat

Personality Characteristics


Their primary goal is just managing the dream realm, do their job. Most of the time, that's all their broken mind can handle--the comforting ritual of weaving dreams. However, sometimes, when they can, they think about how things were before the Great Spirit split, and longs for that time to return.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Incredibly skilled at shapeshifting and weaving, incredibly bad at remembering things, organization, timeliness, or planning for the future. Very forgetful and easily distracted.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes conducting deals between dreamers, weaving dreams, word games/riddles, and pranking/scaring people. Dislikes sitting still and free time, and hates not doing anything with their hands and loud noises/bright lights.

Virtues & Personality perks

They have a very firm resolve, a surprising adherence to integrity, and will never back out of a deal or lie/cheat. They have no prejudices against anyone; they make deals regardless of gender, skin color, wealth, position in society, sexuality, criminal activities, etc.

Vices & Personality flaws

They're forgetful and easily distracted, which can be annoying, and can be very flippant/irreverent. They can care a lot more about pranks and word games than actually conducting a deal, so the night passes and a dreamer loses their chance at sending an important message via dream.

Personality Quirks

They have a high-pitched, jittery laugh, like squeaky leather, that explodes out of them sporadically in extreme volumes.


Hygiene's not necessary when you lack a physical body.


Contacts & Relations

They're very closer friends with the Badlands Spirit and have good relations with the Storm Spirit, Moon Spirit, and, surprisingly, the Star Spirit. Humans are harder to remember, but they have a few frequent dreamers that they usually recognize.   Very bad relations with the Sun Spirit.

Social Aptitude

They're an extrovert, but are bad at "normal" social interactions. They just have a different view of how interactions work.

Hobbies & Pets

They love all bugs and creepy-crawly creatures, and have a special fondness for spiders. It's said if you find a spider in your tipi you'll have a special dream that night.


Dreams Spirit

Irritating Annoyance (Vital)

Towards Sun Spirit



Sun Spirit

Traitor (Important)

Towards Dreams Spirit




It's said that the Sun Spirit once tried to break a deal off or get out of it, and ever since then the Dreams Spirit has refused him usage of their dream web. Over the cycles he's done a lot to try and win back their trust, but the Dreams Spirit firmly believes that once a liar, always a liar, and to this day will not trust him.

Badlands Spirit

Friend (Important)

Towards Dreams Spirit



Dreams Spirit

Friend (Vital)

Towards Badlands Spirit




They long ago agreed to allow another complete unrestricted access to each other's minds during dreams. They both love the wild things that run wild in nighttime imagination. The Badlands Spirit enjoys the escapement from reality, the Dream Spirit adores the twisted paths of the Badlands Spirit's mind.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Dreams, imagination.

Divine Classification
High Spirit?
Lawful/True Neutral
Current Residence
Dream realm
Orange, glow in the dark
Most recently, their hair was a mass of short, tight curls of black
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
They speak a thousand different languages, including the grassland tribes' tongue, most not known to dreamers.

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