False Vampire Bat Species in Majara | World Anvil
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False Vampire Bat

  Classification: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Chiroptera Family: Vampire Bats Genus: Falseus Species: Falseus sanguisugus   Description: The False Vampire Bat (Falseus sanguisugus) is a species of supernatural parasite found in the world of Majara. It is commonly known as the Bloodthirsty Bat due to its voracious appetite for blood. False Vampire Bats are small, bat-like creatures with dark, leathery wings and razor-sharp fangs. Their eyes glow red with hunger, and their bodies are covered in short, black fur. When feeding, their wings spread wide, revealing the dark aura that surrounds them and reflects their insatiable thirst for blood.   Ecology: False Vampire Bats are primarily found in the caverns and forests of Majara, although they have been known to venture into more populated areas in search of food. They are solitary creatures, preferring to hunt and feed alone. They are highly intelligent and manipulative, using their powers to lure potential hosts into their grasp and feed upon their blood.   Behavior: Once attached to a host, False Vampire Bats will remain attached until they have drained their victims completely, at which point they will move on to their next target. They can influence their hosts' thoughts through limited telepathy, more feelings than thoughts, and do so in order to prevent others from removing them. The cost of the power granted to the host is high, as the bat requires a constant supply of blood to maintain its hold over its host. The host removing the bat is incredibly unlikely as it can cause a great deal of physical and psychic pain.   The power granted to the host is a byproduct of the energy feeding of the False Vampire Bat. The creature consumes the potential of blood, burning it internally in a magical manner and draining the years of vitality remaining from the host. The bat feeds on this potential energy, and only the backwash floods the host, but this is still sufficient for a considerable boost in strength, agility, and temporary health. However, after even a short time of having the parasite attached and then removed, the host will be seen to age years, even to decades, depending on species.   Fighting the False Vampire Bat: False Vampire Bats are vulnerable to sunlight and holy magic, and can be easily defeated by exposing them to bright light or using spells that are infused with holy energy. However, they are also capable of creating powerful illusions and hiding in the shadows, making them difficult to locate and defeat. Adventurers who find themselves face-to-face with a False Vampire Bat should be well-prepared and ready to defend themselves if necessary.   History: The False Vampire Bat has been a part of Majaran folklore for centuries, with tales of its voracious appetite and the powers it grants to its hosts being passed down from generation to generation. However, despite its reputation as a fearsome parasite, little is known about the origins of the False Vampire Bat or how it came to be in Majara. Some scholars speculate that it may have been created by dark magic, while others believe that it may be a remnant of a long-forgotten civilization. Regardless of its origin, the False Vampire Bat remains a mysterious and formidable creature that continues to inspire fear and wonder in those who encounter it.


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