Ælfgifu Character in Magiontology | World Anvil
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Magion (Vampyrus), years unknown.

Magi-historian and magion preservationist.
Not much is known of Ælfgifu aside from her classification, like most vampires she always kept to the edges of society, but she is rumored to be centuries old. She is mainly known for her work around magion preservation and having a leading role in human-magion cooperation efforts.
Ælfgifu first contacted Göran Elias Pederssen (1805-1890) in 1855, after reading some of his works, both out of curiosity and out of concern with public circulation of magion information. She was a key figure in the efforts to identify potential human associates, even if the period's sexism forced her to remain in the background of many activities. She is one of the founding members of the Magiontology Circle (1889-1892), and remained a leading figure in the growing network of support among magions and magic-folk.
Ælfgifu private collection of magical history books and records was one of the largest and most comprehensive, and later became one of the core collections of the Magiontology Archives.

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