Priest/Priestess Rank/Title in Magia Dimension | World Anvil
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Priests and Priestesses are unique as they, unlike most other Non-Morphers, are oftentimes a structurally ingrained part of most societies (with many Priests and Priestesses not actually even being Magic Casters). They primarily live in temples built upon areas with large amounts of natural Magic, and are the primary connectors between the Ethereal Fae and the Mortals; as such, they are blessed with a certain amount of Ethereal Magic. However, being a Priest is often a very risky position and most Priests and Priestesses hope to live a relatively peaceful life and hope that the Ethereal Fae they deal with stays in a good mood whenever they have to deal with them. As such, they often prefer to wear more subdued colours than most other Non-Morphers and hide their faces behind veils when communing with their Fae. Priests and Priestesses are some of the only Non-Morpher Paths with titles based purely on gender, instead of cultural or individualistic preferences.
Magical, Honorific


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