Danmere Forest Geographic Location in Lyria | World Anvil
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Danmere Forest


The Danmere is an unsually dense deciduous forest. The Caderite in the soil and trees gives it more longevity in colder seasons that regular forests, making the time the forest is bare much shorter than usual. The forest has leaves deep into the fall and its foiliage only starts thinning out halfway into winter, only spending a month being truly barren.

Localized Phenomena

As the Peninsula seperating the Sea of Ascension from The Womb, the Danmere is an oddity in Lower Elwyren, it is the only concentrated Caderite deposite found in the Ascended Lands. The Caderite in Danmere is unusually persistent. While it's not as highly concentrated as the Caderite deposite found in the Peaks of the Nirith, it is much older and much more stubborn. It has seeped deeply into every aspect of the ecosystem. The trees have roots that go unusually deep, making uprooting them impossible and the deep connection to the Caderite the forest enjoys means the Volarium infused weapons of the Elwyrian's will degrade much faster around it, making sustained efforts to cut down the forest a costly and risky undertaking. The Danmere River flows into the Sea of Ascension, but as the Caderite loses some of its density near the borders of the peninsula, it doesn't affect the water of the Womb or the Sea itself. Much like the Shimmering Sea, the Danmere river glows with the natural light of the Caderite in its soil and water, as does the entire forest, bathing the Danmere is soft biolomiscent light at night, making the use of fires to breach the darkness unnecessary.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)


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