Mamdooh's Lyre Item in Lusalyn | World Anvil
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Mamdooh's Lyre

By Tymora's luck, Mamdooh's melody had seemed to calm the beast. The Alraml stood upright, completely still as Mamdooh continued to produce beauty from his lyre.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

While played, this lute attempts to charm any animal that can here the music. This animal must succeed on DC 18 or be charmed by the lyre. Any role of animal handling attempted against an animal charmed by this lyre has a plus 10 to animal handling.


This lyre was used by Mamdooh, the youngest son of the Tarik al-Hassan, to calm and tame the Alraml. Mamdooh's taming of the beast led to him ascending to the throne and the eventual discovery of Dahawad in the Alrites desert.
Very Rare
.16 oz
35x40 cm
Base Price


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