Alraml Species in Lusalyn | World Anvil
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And there it was, the snake of the sands, waiting there to devour the true heir.

Basic Information


Worm with length of 64 ft. Pale yellow in color. The Alraml have rings of molars that make it easy for them to grind down rock and burrow.

Genetics and Reproduction

Alraml lay eggs asexually.

Growth Rate & Stages

Larva to Adolescent to Adult

Ecology and Habitats

Alraml live in the Alrites Desert in the Hassan Kingdom. All known Alraml are domesticated and serve as mining machines for the Hassanians.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Alraml's special digestive system allows them to derive essential nutrients from the rocks and sand they consume in the process of mining through rock. However, Alramls driven to starvation have been known to eat cattle and even people.

Biological Cycle

Alraml hibernate for one month in the winter.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Has blind sight for 60ft. Can also sense underground for 60 ft.
Scientific Name
Alarml Nereidae
Earth worm
Conservation Status
It is illegal in the Hassan Kingdom to kill the Alraml

Articles under Alraml


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