Khernhammer Settlement in Lurra | World Anvil
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Khernhammer is both a mining town and a city on The Brauron Line. As the latter, it is categorically extremely well-defended, though it relies on nearby Ayrourion for much of its underlying military infrastructure. And as a mining town, Khernhammer, along with Ayrourion, represent mineral wealth so crucial to the waging of the perpetual war against the Grays that these two cities alone spurred the famous Sunhold Campaign during The Dusk War.

The mines of Khernhammer yield a wide variety of metals and precious stones, but its most critical product is coal. A very large percentage of the industrial backbone of Brauron and even other portions of Adria burn coal mined here.
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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