Ayrourion Settlement in Lurra | World Anvil
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Ayrourion is both a mining town and a crucial city on The Brauron Line. While already inherently important as a city of The Line, Ayrourion is even more notable for the material resources that it supplies to the war effort throughout The Republic of Adria. In fact, the mineral wealth of these mines is so great that Ayrourion was one of two cities that became the entire impetus for The Sunhold Campaign during the The Dusk War. The second such city, Khernhammer, lies along the Line bout 30 miles north. Khernhammer is much smaller and as such relies on Ayrourion's infrastructure, but is no less crucial to the defense of the Line both militarily and economically.

The mines of Ayrourion yield some precious stones, but are most notable for their metals. Iron, tin, and silver are unearthed in massive quantities here, with some gold and copper on the side. These resources are prioritized for the defense of the Line, but are typically abundant enough to be shipped to many other portions of Adria for any number of purposes.
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