Lumenos Clinging to the Mist is Published and Preformed
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Clinging to the Mist is Published and Preformed

Cultural event


Clinging to the Mist was written by Vondor of Clan Blue Mountain. This was his first significant work. Vondor was a member of the Low Clan and, at the time of publication, only 19 years old. All other playwrights were well into their 70s or 80s and members of an official Upper Clan in Clansmen society. Reports vary as to how Vondor convinced a scribe to publish Clinging to the Mist or how he convinced the Central Blue Theatre to allow a performance, but most would agree the world is better off because of it. Clinging to the Mist was set to become a classic before Vondor's later works overshadowed it. It remains a hallmark of Clansmen literature, however.

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