Lumenorbis LumenOrbis Timeline Timeline

LumenOrbis Timeline

Dawn of History

Uncountable Aeons Past, before even the known Gods were born

  • In times uncountable Aeons ago
    Nay Jin is Born
    Life, Birth

    Nay Jin is born

  • In times uncountable Aeons ago
    Birth of Excelsius
    Life, Birth

    Excelsius is born on Draculos.

Before the invasion

200 BTI 1 BTI

  • -64 BTI

    Prophet of the Morning
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    A new Prophet of the Lady of Morning is choosen.

  • -62 BTI

    Great Noon
    -59 BTI

    The Fall

    End of Training-Beginn of Infiltration
    Diplomatic action

    William finishes his training under Lady and begins to work in the service of the Kingsmen.

  • -59 BTI

    4 /-5

    High Table Speech
    Diplomatic action

    Willam, now a trusted agent of the crown get to speak infront of the High Table.

  • -59 BTI

    Great Night

    The War of Humankind
    Military action

    The Kingsmen lead the first of many assault parties over the fangs into the Lands of the Chandry.

  • -57 BTI

    -54 BTI

    The Purge

    Williams hunts down and kills the other Chandryaans

  • -49 BTI

    2 Fresh Radiance

    The Capiutaltion of the Chandry
    Diplomatic action

    Unexpectedly, the Chandry capitulates.

  • -49 BTI

    10 Fresh Radiance
    -49 BTI

    12 Fresh Radiance

    The last Resort
    Gathering / Conference

    Setting an emergency plan into motion, William prepars to bring the Plan to fruition.

  • -49 BTI

    12 Fresh Radiance 9:00

    The End of the Chandry

    The Plan is fullfilled, the Chandry consumed.

  • -48 BTI

    16 Great Dawn

    Purge Gone
    Population Migration / Travel

    William disapears seemingly from the face of planet.

  • -39 BTI

    16 Great Noon 12:00

    The Fortalice Serenity

    The Races of Calidoria sign a treaty that serves the founding of a united armed force that will keep the continental peace.

After the Invasion

0 BTI and beyond

  • The Invasion
    Invasions of the Angels
    Era beginning/end

    The Angels breach the dimensional walls and enter Lumenorbis.

  • 464 ATI

    Nay arrives on LumenOrbis

    The Angels oberserve a meteor going down in the costalwaters of the southern Kingsmen's lands.

  • 484 ATI

    Excelsius lands on LumenOrbis

    After Aeons of confinement in a crack of reality the young Dracul Excelsius is ejected and falls down to the Planet of LumenOrbis, to be found by the Angels

  • 484 ATI

    504 ATI

    Excelsius is imprisioned and experimented on by Angels
    Life, Crime

    Directly after his landing Excelsius has been captured and been subjected to an extensive and painfull study by Angels and their underlings.

  • 504 ATI

    Great Dawn

    The Dracul escapes
    Life, Relocation

    After one of the researchers breakes his binds Excelsius is able to escape, leaving the facility burned out and runined.

  • 504 ATI

    Fresh Radiance

    Syrus adopts Excelsius
    Life, Relationship change

    After walking aimlessly through the wildness, Excelsius comes uppon a village where the loca sholar and healer takes care of him.

  • 504 ATI

    Bright Sun sowing
    523 ATI

    Excelsius is raised and trained by Syrus
    Life, Education

    Using his extensive collection of books Syrus teached Excelsius in many topics throughout his childhood and into his late teen years

  • 523 ATI

    Great Dusk

    Life, Milestone

    After he had suconciously surpressed his natural abilites for years, an encounter with a band of marauders reawakens them and open Excelsius path to revenge.

  • 524 ATI

    1 Fresh Radiance

    Depature from Home
    Life, Relocation

    Excelsius takes his leave from his adoptive father and starts his journey throughout LumenOrbis

  • 524 ATI

    25 Fresh Radiance
    524 ATI

    Great Noon

    Fatefull Quest
    Life, Supernatural

    After traveling throught the lands beloning to the Kingsmen, Excelius feels a call beckoning him to beyond the Fangs, the most northern Mountainchain fo these lands. After passing them through a mountainpass, he finds himself arriving at a enourmous desert.

  • 524 ATI

    Great Noon

    The Hero meets the Exile
    Life, Education

    After besting the desert, a tireing and draining journey, he arrives at a stone fortress where he meets the old hermit Luciel. The old man reveals his immense knowledge about the Angels and starts to hone Excelsius abilities.

  • 524 ATI

    Nightshade Sowing

    A Marauder himself
    Life, Relocation

    After having studied with Luciel, Excelsius patience is used up and he departs from the fortress with the aim to find Angels or one of their allies to show off his newly aquired skills.

  • 524 ATI

    Great Dusk

    The first Lord falls
    Life, Death

    In the woods, far in the north of the Kingsmen's lands, the desecrated bloody corpse of Angel is found.