Alogbanok Rank/Title in Lumarvis | World Anvil
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Adjacent to the Nelcean Insurgency of the Windswept Plains are the Swamps of Urshok. Within the swamps are five tribes of orcs, each cooperating with one another to ensure the continued survival of their way of life even when the Hyperion Empire is trying to stamp them out. Each tribe is led by a chieftain, and, during times of war, they will call a Banoktog, a meeting of the chieftains, to elect their warchief that will lead their combined forces: the Alogbanok, High Chieftain.


There are not many steadfast requirements for the Alogbanok. In recent times (the last two millennia), only two Alogbanoks have been elected, both of which were strong warriors within their tribes and male. However, there is nothing that states the Alogbanok must be male, nor that they must be a warrior. Previously, the Alogbanok was one of the chieftains of the five tribes, but this is not a requirement.   The only requirement for consideration of being a Alogbanok is being nominated by a chieftain from one of the tribes.


The Alogbanok is elected by the chieftains of the five tribes of the Swamps of Urshok. Typically, these are five individuals, one from each tribe, but the Gruumsh Zogak tribe currently has two chieftains. Though it has not made a difference yet, there is worry among the other chieftains that this weight they hold could result in them forcing through whatever Alogbanok they would want. However, the Alogbanok must be elected unanimously, allowing even a single vote against a candidate to prevent their appointment. This has not happened, as the different chieftains will typically carefully vet any potential candidates and ensure they are a proper fit.   When an Alogbanok is chosen, it is a public affair: The Banoktog is held in a central location of the Swamps and is open to anyone to join, even non-orcs -- though these individuals are usually regarded with something of skepticism if they attend. There is discussion over the different candidates until they have reached a consensus. From the time of calling a Banoktog to the end of the election is typically two to three days, as these elections are held during times of intense strife that requires reactionary behavior


The Alogbanok does not receive any monetary compensation; however, they are held in the highest esteem among their peers and makes the final decision on any matter within the Swamps.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The Alogbanok typically steps down once the threat that prompted their election has been dealt with. However, there is nothing requiring this aside from tradition. It is entirely possible for the Alogbanok to refuse to relinquish power and stay in the position as long as they choose. This has happened only once, and, as such, there is no diplomatic method of removal. When this happened, it was met with a short and bloody war between the tribes as the Gruumsh Zogak clashed with the Vitgurat, ending with the death of Alogbanok Mugarod Wrukag.

Cultural Significance

Outside of the Swamps of Urshok, this title holds almost no weight. It is purely for the orc tribes to have a clear sense of leadership when there is such a large threat to their way of life that they need to act as one. Without this position, each tribe would act independently -- as they did in the past before they came together to agree on this position -- which results in disaster for all involved.

Notable Holders

Mugarod Wrukag: One of the first holders of the title, Mugarod Wrukag is infamous for the fact that he currently is the only Alogbanok who refused to relinquish the position once the threat had been dealt with. As a result, the Gruumsh Zogak and Vitgurat tribes went to war and killed thousands of orcs before Mugarod was beheaded near Athasor's Rise and the war finished.
Source of Authority
The Banoks of the Swamps of Urshok
Length of Term
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