
An exotic looking avian species of Lukkein that somewhat resembles a Terran parrot. To keep these elegant creatures as pets is considered the height of fashion among the upper class human settlers on Mundda.




Like many of the native Lukkein, Filigryphs possess four eyes, two on each side of the head. They sport a mobile crest of shiny metallic feathers that they can move expressively to convey how they are feeling. Their neck has a pronounced S-shaped curve to it, and is mostly covered by a mane of metallic feathers. Overall, their plumage is a striking contrast of black and white feathers, interrupted by patterns of metallic feathers that resemble finely wrought filigree.   Unlike the Terran parrots that they superficially resemble, filigryphs are not particularly smart creatures. They become confused easily, and will pick at shiny, colourful items mistaking them for the berries they eat in the wild. Their relatively low intelligence and weak willpower makes the psychic defences surrounding human settlements especially effective at keeping them away. Filigryphs will never voluntarily approach a Disuasion Net. They are docile creatures, and are unlikely to strike at humans except in defence of a nest.   Due to its excessively long tail feathers, the filigryph is a poor flier, but is more than capable at gliding. It is a capable climber thanks to the thumb-like hooked digits on the "wrists" of its wings, and it is believed that the species is evolving towards flightlessness.


Colour Morphs


Filigryphs can be found in four distinct colour morphs. These colour variations are confined to their shiny metallic feathers.




The most common colour morph, the plumage of these filigryphs sparkle with a rich coppery red hue. Roughly half of all filigryphs are of this colour morph.

by Dutrius



The second most common colour morph, the rich yellow plumage of these filigryphs shine brightly like polished silver. Roughly 35% of all filigryphs are of this colour morph.

by Dutrius



The second most rare colour morph, the plumage of these filigryphs seems to glow like Mundaa's glowing star. Roughly 15% of all filigryphs are of this colour morph.

by Dutrius

Rose Gold


Commonly simply referred to as simply "Rose", the light pinkish Rose Gold colour morph is the rarest natural colour pattern Filigryphs can exhibit. It is estimated that only one in a thousand filigryphs are of this colour morph, and none have ever been bred in captivity.

by Dutrius

A Fashionable Thing

Anyone can simply own a filigryph, darling. It takes more than that to be truly fashionable like me!
— A snooty aristocrat from St Llewelyn

Thanks to their docile nature and their alleged elegance, the filigryph is a popular pet among the upper classes of St Llewelyn and St Amélie, and among the governors of the outlying settlements. The creature's shiny metallic feathers spread among their black and white plumage like finely crafted filigree forms the inspiration for the intricate lacework found on the clothing currently popular with wealthy individuals.   While the rare Rose Gold colour morph is always highly sought after, the other three more common colour morphs take turns at being in vogue. The common Copper colour morph is currently considered the absolute pinnacle of fashion, however this might change in the near future according to certain gossip magazines.   The trade in filigryphs is occasionally affected by fraud and criminal enterprise. The Rose Gold colour morph is rare enough to fetch startlingly high prices, and as a result certain enterprising individuals and gangs will catch a more common colour morph, usually a Silver one and carefully paint over the metallic feathers. Often, the deception is not noticed until the filigryph begins to molt and its true colours are revealed.


Gameplay Info

This section contains gameplay specific information and may be considered a spoiler. Proceed at your own peril.
by Dutrius
Catalogue Number
"Metal feather"
Genetic Ancestor(s)
50+ years
Average Weight
800 - 1,200 g
Average Length
45 - 65 cm
Berries, small fruits, soft nuts

Cover image: by Dutrius


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