Fife Settlement in Lotagna | World Anvil
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The first great city in the Land of Centra. King Fife's first great victory was founding the city and sustaining it. It stood where the Dwarven kingdoms now reside and stretched beyond the realms of imagination. at its height, Fife had nearly 25 000 citizens. "And there stood the Valley of 100 towers, The City of the many and the home of all civilization. The grand city of Fife." The City was a melting pot of cultures and species. It was the first great gathering space of peoples. Many legends have sprung up around its creation and fall, most notable of which is that the city came to Fife I whilst in a dream and its inhabitants pleaded with him to bring the world to life. His vision finally came into fruition after he united his people under one tribe and declared it a Kingdom with him at their head. Fife has since faded into obscurity and the exact spot where it stood is contested. Some claim that is stood as far north as the Northern steppe and some claim it was in the great lowlands to the southeast. Most of the more scholarly claims have resulted from studying trading texts from Sharih. It is said that Fife stood in the very center of the continent and when traders went to the city, they were filled with wonder and often never returned to their own people. It was this legendary status that caused the city to grow so steadily. In the later years of the empire, as the bloodlust of the Kings became unmanageable, the Vormar finally broke their allegiance with the Centrans and invaded the already collapsing state. They razed most of Centra's great cities to the dust and pledged the protection of the people of the Midderlands from the warlords of the north where the Centran's finally fled.


Mostly Humans with spatterings of elves and Dwarves




"Walls almost 5 meters thick and towers built to withstand the advances of 10 000 men" "Bows of steel mounted to the walls with arrows the size of men"

Industry & Trade

Great abounds of metals and fine materials. The Fifians founded most of the trades that are present in the world today and so most of these became exports to the rest of the world.


Great wonders of architechture now only remaining on scriptures and description. they speak of walls adorned with mosses and vines and the lands around them being filled with vigour and life. Towers built to heights of nearly 40 meters and giant doming ziggurats.


Civilization, wine, grains, technology, scholars


Founded by Fife I and remained intact until its sacking in the middle 5th century


Babylonian mixed with Early persian


Rolling hils and mildly steep valley into which nestled the city


Alternative Name(s)
The First City, The homeland, City of 100 towers, The city of the Many
25 000
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

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