Centran Ethnicity in Lotagna | World Anvil
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An inhabitant of the Centran Empire and a subject of the Centran Monarchy. Can also refer (in a modern sense) to the inhabitants of the midderlands and the kingdom of K'halba Roon. Centrans are generally neutral in comparison to their southern and northern neighbors.  Eastern Centrans find entertainment in common tavern games and field sports however they stay away from conflict and violence in general.  While this is true, the current leadership of K'halba Roon have voiced concerns over the neutered responses of their people.  The new dwarven leadership from the west of the The Midderlands seem hellbent on aggression and opposition to the peaceful ways of the Eastern Centrans.  This is an unfortunate result of the K'halba Roon acquisition of the eastern lowlands following the 2nd Great Deadlands war.    


In recent years, the Dwarven population in the midderlands has almost doubled from the last century.  Dwarven technological advancement and ecological exploitation has led to an incredible boom in population in the lowlands.  The dwarven population more than triples the combined strength of the other races in Centra.  there are still small villages of humans subjugated to the Dwarven ways in the Eastern lowlands however they survive on mostly subsistence and rarely see the wealth of the north and west.    


The Midderlands are widely considered to be an aggressive place as a result of the militaristic tendencies of its regency Dulir Gildenchild and the Gildenchild Monarchy.  they have an affinity for precious metals, metalsmithing and drinking.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Elia, Esaria, Eska, Etra, Enda, Ela, Efa

Masculine names

Endario, Endrio, Endosko, Elio

Unisex names

Ele, Else, Elae, Eloe, Elle

Family names

Fife, Grun, Nun, Foosh, Gehr, Tehr, Els, Als, Acht. Note single syllable names

Major organizations

Centran Empire
Related Organizations
Related Locations

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