Brinkala Settlement in Lostend'a | World Anvil
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Brinkala is the biggest industrial powerhouse in Crismalia. Sitting directly above Reshka, the mostly mountainous country is operated through the pure intent of output.   One of the biggest pieces of the Brinkalan economy is its use of slave labor. The government chains up goliaths and makes them work for now pay - often doing back-breaking work. If you're a goliath - Brinkala is not the place to go.   Despite it's blackened morals, Brinkala is an incredibly beautiful place with mountains stretching for as far as the eye can see. The cities of Brinkala are built directly into the stony mountain side making them a treat to walk through. Not all of Brinkala, however, is a mountainous region. In fact the majority of the country's land is a dry deserted region called The Valley of the Damned.


The country of Brinkalan is no doubt a prejudiced one. Goliaths are used as slaves anywhere you go in the country and many of its citizens have a distrust in smaller races - such as dwarves and halflings. The city is made up of mostly elves and humans with some other various races mixed in as well.    The city functions through businesses so its citizens are required to participate in that economy as well. Storefronts that advertise goods and services can be found lining the streets of each city except for


Brinkala is established under the divide, just like every other country in Crismalia. Because of this it functions underneath the basic governmental principles that Crismalia is run under. However the freedom that The Provincial Divide grants the countries means that Brinkala runs under a sense of individuality.    Brinkala runs under it's citizen's economy. The working citizen in Brinkala has to pay very little in taxes and has a wide sense of freedom. The leaders of Brinkala don't usually make any political movements unless the economy needs help. The government, however, is made to help any business run per requests. They can send slaves to assist, send leaders to offer their assistance or send money if it is used to keep the business afloat.   The leader shift is decided by higher ups in Stent who reside on the top of the Western Most Quintlin Mountain.


Brinkala is separated into two different infrastructural fashions. The Bron Range makes up most of Brinkala's cityscape. These cold cities are built directly into the mountains and sometimes right through them. The steep sides of the mountains mean that most of the streets are built as switchbacks that move from the top of a mountain all the way to the bottom.    The Valley of the Damned is the other half of Brinkala's land mass. The area is almost entirely devoid of civilization but there is one city: Xanda. This city is incredibly disconnected from the cities of Bron and lives individually. Of all of the cities in Crismalia, Xanda is the most disconnected from the Divide.


Brinkala is not separated into man made districts, but two natural ones. The The Valley of the Damned is the first one, which is a more or less lawless land. The The Bron Range is the other piece of Brinkala that is much more active. Each city in the Bron Range acts as a cog in a much longer system of gears.


During the year 4 PD, a citizen of Oreshya named Quintlin Brinkala found that he was frustrated with the general function of the country as a whole. His inability to start anything big made him frustrated. So he traveled north walked through the mountains with his wife and child to try to start something new. On the journey his son, Bron, died of pneumonia. He built a home on the peak of the tallest mountain he could find and thus the country of Brinkala was established. He named everything he could see before him after the things he loved -his lineage, his children, his deceased son. After around a decade of building The Overseer approached him and he signed the Divide -establishing his country as a member of the continent of Crismalia.

Points of interest

Most of Brinkala is a beautiful mountainous range, with towering mountains. To visit Brinkala at all is a pleasure of natural beauty. However there a few other places that make the journey even more rewarding.  

The Cliffs of Bron

  The Cliffs of Bron is a massive sheet of stone that stands over 1000 feet above the ocean. The cliff extends horizontally four miles from end to end. Nobody knows how the cliffs came to be. Some theories suggest that a land bridge used to exist between Crismalia and The Ruin and that the land bridge was destroyed by the evil spirits that dominate The Ruin  

The Squeaky Pig Inn 

  If one was to dare enter the The Valley of the Damned, they would find haven in the Squeaky Pig Inn. The hostel is poorly run and fairly run down but the owner is kind woman is willing to house all those poor souls who have gotten themselves lost in the valley. The word of travel guides is that the owner makes an incredible Rummy Milk mix.  


  None other than the capital city of Brinkala. The city is split between two incredible mountains, one mountain is home to the city officials and the other mountain is home to the city nobles. If oligarchy is not something that you welcome kindly then simply go for the city's incredible structure, or to aid all those poor souls who are stuck living in the Quintlin Crotch.


The Architecture in Brinkala is some of the greatest in all of Crismalia. Most tourists come just to see the amazing feats that can be accomplished with stone-carver's tools.    All of the Bron cities are carved directly into the mountains themselves. Each structure lives in each mountain as if it was meant to be embedded naturally. The city of Kisper, for example, exists on both sides of the same mountain. The center of the city exists inside of a massive man-made cavern that pushes from one side to the other.
Founding Date
16 P.D.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank

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