Lunatic's Pendant Item in Lorgaire | World Anvil
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Lunatic's Pendant

Before the rise of the Silver Fulgor faith the plague of lycanthropy ran rampant upon the land. To many this condition was not even ackowledged as an abomination against life or the corruption of earthly souls. One of the moon worshipping chaos cults responsible for normalizing these diseased mutants and spreading their corruption was the Lunatis Etarine, or "faithful to the moon monarchs." These cultists hid among the good peoples of many nations, and bribed their way into good standing with many bureaucrats and lieges.   With benign smiles, a wave of their Lunatic's Pendant, and a few gold coins or gems slipped into the pockets of the right gate captain, the cultists found their way into many phyisically fortified stongholds of good people who thought themselves secure against evils. Their symbol represented familiar sights in the faces of Elsora and Ashwin, appearing on opposite sides of a disk of copper, polished for his and a rich patnia for hers. Dressed in humble robes, with a humble symbol adorning their faithful and the places of their faith of corruption, they disguised themselves like the fabled wolves in sheep skins.   Without the spiritual fortification offered by the Silver Fulgor the plague of lycanthropy spread into the halls of the high and huts of the low alike. When the people had lost enough of their kin to this insidious blight, and the truth of security through purity became evident to the masses with the spread of the word of Niklas Svetlonosic, the purge began. A raging blaze swept the land, and in less than a generation swept away the Lunatis Etarine, hordes of lycanthropes preying upon the weak and vulnerable, and the corrupt lieges who sheltered these malevolant creatures and their chaotic shepherds.


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