Rainbow Fairy Moss Species in Lorecast Library | World Anvil

Rainbow Fairy Moss

Much like its darker counterpart, the Rainbow Fairy Moss is also able to be used as insulation and firestarter. However, this one is quite bright in comparison.
As the name suggests there are many different colours of this moss and like the Black Fairy Moss, it serves the purpose of decor for the fairy-like creatures of this world. The creatures pick and choose which colours best suit their houses and go wild from there. Addi told me of the idea that different colours mean different things and have different meanings depending on where you place them around your house. She said that it is a way of manifesting your dreams and wishes.
Placeholder Lamp by Leashea

Cover image: Bannerrr by Leashea via Midjourney


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Dec 31, 2023 22:09 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Okay, I need all the colours of the moss on my bookcases. :D

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet