Sul Character in Lorannis | World Anvil



A young elf comes upon a half burnt down shack glowing in the mists of Vespmar. They can't fight the urge to take a peek. As they peer through the burnt opening, a jolt goes through their body and their movements freeze. A long strained gasp of air echoes from within.   "Something interesting has come to me... Enter..."   The elf doesn't mean to approach, but their foot lurches forward without their permission. They begin to panic as their feet march forward as commanded. They knew that it was too late, they were caught. They knew better than to give in to curiosity. Laying inside, surrounded by a pool of blood and debris, was a tiefling with horns, wings, and tail removed.   "Carry no fear... I wish to make you a deal... but I mean the real you..." The tiefling weakly waves their hand and mutters a small incantation. Slowly the elf shifts a ghostly white, their eyes drain of color, and they become bone thin. The tiefling and the figure stare at each other for a tense moment before the tiefling speaks once more.   "You are very lucky this day, to come upon me in my time of need... For your assistance, I will reward you with vast knowledge and power... Fortune beyond your wildest dreams..."   The pale figure responds hesitantly, "We don't trust this. What if we leave you to die instead?"   The tiefling grins.

"I still have enough power to consume your soul... it would hold me off until another fool wonders through..."

Their eyes glow with an arcane fury and the pale figure is thrust to their knees. "Or... you could consume my soul, be a vessel for my power... which do you choose... power... or death..."   The pale one tries to hold in their fear and force out a reply. "H-how do we know d-death... isn't the better deal?"   "You worry too much..." Their eyes glow again as they stare deeply into the pale figure. "You should listen to them... they want you to take the deal... they don't want to they?"   The pale figure clutches their head, the pain wracking their mind. "...No, no we don't..."   "Yes... good..." The tiefling's hand begins crackling with energy.   "Wait!" Cries the pale figure. "We didn't make any deal yet!"   "No to one question, yes to another! Now you will take my soul!" The tiefling puts their hand to their own chest. Their chest begins to blacken and shrivel away. They rip out their heart and crush it into dust, causing a sudden burst of energy. Then within the palm of the tiefling's hand was a glowing globule of light which they thrust into the chest of the pale figure.   The pale figure falls onto their back writhing in pain. Slowly they begin to shift, their skin flushing with red. Horns begin protruding from their head, followed by a set of wings and a tail. They slowly get to their feet and observe their features. A large smile grows on their face. They walk out of the hut and off into the Vespmar woods...
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
19th of Naryenith, 1764
Current Residence
Pale White
Pale White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
5' 2"
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Halfling, Infernal

Jeweler Rules

Tier 1 Jeweler (Crystals + Metals)
  • Gain the ability to speak Dwarvish
  • Gain the ability to use jeweler's tools
  • Gain access to a workshop
  • Learn techniques "Collector" and "Signature"
Prerequisite: Crystals
Your materials are a beautiful part of your collection even before you craft with them. When you set out to create a project as a gift, you additionally gain the benefit of a sacrifice.   Signature
All your projects are enchanted with an arcane mark that responds to your command and proves you’re the creator. Additionally, you’re instantly aware of the presence of any item of your creation within 100 feet. The arcane mark is magical and can be seen with spells such as detect magic and true sight, or any other means that reveal hidden magic.   At tier 3 this distance increases to 500 feet, and at tier 5 it increases to 1000 feet.  
Tier Craft Dice Stamina
1 1d6 3

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