Solstra Ilphelkiiir Character in Lorannis | World Anvil

Solstra Ilphelkiiir

In the city of Vzlom, the waves are harsh and dark. They are chaotic and deadly. But they are not as deadly as their master: Kano. The mad Empyrean held the city hostage for generations, threatening them with complete destruction unless they worshiped him.    This is where the cleric Solstra Ilphelkiiir comes in. Fourth in the line of Kanite priests, she acts as the intermediary between Kano and the people of Vzlom - and attempts to keep him sleeping for as long as possible.   Solstra hates her "god," but what choice does she have but to do as the celestial demands? She was chosen to be his priest, and on the threat of her hometown being destroyed, she cannot abandon her duties.


Family Ties

Solstra's brother, Morthil, is a full blooded elf, but he is quite cold and closed off from her.   Her sister, Keara, is a half-elf (the result of a dalliance of their mother with a human). Despite this, Solstra and Keara get along quite well, though Morthil has rejected Keara and refuses to associate with her.
Character Location
Current Location
Current Residence
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Winter Castle by RedditG liulian
Character Portrait image: Elf by Jane Nane