Liam Galanis Character in Lorannis | World Anvil

Liam Galanis

Crusader Prorex Liam Aiden Galanis (a.k.a. The Young Lion)

Liam Prorex is the eldest sibling of The Aduran Royal Family and future king. Liam is kind and brave, and most importantly a natural leader. Liam's best qualities he takes after his father, so much so that he has been given the nickname "The Young Lion". He is almost set to be the perfect inheritor of the kingdom but he lacks wisdom. He was raised in the lap of royalty and has never had the chance to experience the outside world due to his mother's overprotective nature. Liam has heard the call from Terak and has joined Crusaders of Terak as a result. Liam has journeyed for a short time now, after almost immediately finding Sarah Ainsley on the road with an arrow in her stomach and saving her life, she left him in the morning after stealing his horse and leaving him a note with her lipstick stained on it with elegant written ink: "Until we meet again my hero." They have ran into each other a few times since, many times on the opposite sides of the problem, but they have never been directly hostile with each other and usually end up finding a way to help the other in the closest way to mutually beneficial, but sometimes one is left completely lost (and that is mostly Liam).   Liam has found himself in a group of traveling adventurers where he actively attempts to learn about the world through their eyes while simultaneously trying to uphold the values and responsibilities he has being a Crusader of Terek. Liam was soon after Excommunicated from the Temple of the Axe in Port Saphir due to the careless acts of Aeneas Kleitos but still carries the moniker of Crusader and traveled with the group, with the hope of redeeming Aeneas and therefore redeeming himself. Through traveling with the group (known as The Golden Coast) Liam and the others began to get visions of other people who resemble members of the group, with Liam's alternate being someone known as 'The Priest' with a similar physical scar to Liam's. Others in the group believe these are visions of past lives however Liam was unconvinced and instead believed that the messages do have meaning however, reincarnation doesn't exist. Using the creative inspiration given to Liam, he had taken the concept and started writing a story known as "Turning Mormekar's Wheel" that follows characters based on the group and their adventures through reincarnation.   In the city of Clarathos, Aeneas picked up a job for the group to attend a ball at the Agnetos Estate to intentionally upset a young noble named Adrian Leos. Though Liam was at first intending to be very helpful in setting up a harmless way to upset Adrian, he was distracted on the first night by a gentle and enthralling young maiden who asked him to dance. Liam wouldn't refuse a dance, for it simply being rude, but he felt pulled to this woman for an unknown reason. He listened to her speak and her soft voice made Liam realize that he was dancing with Sarah. Panicked and uncertain of what she was doing in a room full of noble families, Liam pulled her off to the side where they talked about her intentions there. Sarah assured Liam that she wasn't there to kill anyone or steal anything, in fact she was paid to prevent a thief. Liam wanted to believe Sarah, or at least give her the chance to actually be at this party for the right reasons, so he let Sarah go and for the remaining night, Liam watched for any suspicious people or points of entry that a thief might use. On the third night the group performed their plan to make Adrian cry, which mostly went unsuccessful though they did cause his engagement to fall apart, and on that night Liam's part was acting like he was in a romantic relationship with Rhoda Agnetos in an attempt to make Adrian jealous. Liam enjoyed his time dancing with Rhoda but in the back of his mind he was only thinking about stealing one more dance with Sarah, but the moment would not come to pass, as the night was ending Liam noticed the thief and attempted to subdue her, but was unsuccessful, only ending up on his back in the flower bushes in the garden while the thief escaped. Liam then went to tell Sarah that the thief had escaped but Liam's performance worked a little too well, as Sarah blew him off thinking that Liam was actually in a relationship with Rhoda.   Liam then returned to his home of Paramenthia in an attempt to speak with his sister Tessa about anything she might know about the mark resembling an eye that is placed on Chalice, however Tessa was not in Chromalour when he arrived. Liam spoke with his Father and Mother in hopes that they could inform Liam of Tessa's location. Liam's father informed the group that Tessa had left for Sarcystle. Liam thanked his parents for the information but Iven Rex was not done with the conversation and began to measure the amount of Wisdom that Liam had since collected on his journey, finding Liam's stammering as sufficient proof that Liam has learned nothing and began to castrate Liam for wasting his time coming back home if he has nothing to show for the two months he has spent supposedly learning about the world and not playing 'hero in shining armor' like a child.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





  • Cutting his hair
  • Getting tattoos or other permanent marks, but he can pierce his flesh for adornment
  • Drinking alcohol, smoke tobacco, or use any other intoxicant
  • Eating the meat of any unnatural creature

Personality Characteristics


To become a champion of Terak, both to help others and to gain the abilities to one day rule the kingdom.

Likes & Dislikes

honor, loyalty, and honesty

Vices & Personality flaws

Liam can be blissfully ignorant of the world at times and can be brought to jealousy over Sarah Ainsley.


Liam is very well groomed and pays special attention to the cleanliness of his hair and armor as a Crusader of Terak.


Young, Bold, and a natural leader.

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Liam's Theme

Lawful Good
Date of Birth
8th of Aerixian, 1775
Current Residence
Short and shaggy blonde
5' 10"
180 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Let me tell you something... death is not the end. Loss of conviction and faith... that is the end."
Known Languages
Aduran, Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, and Giant

Armorsmith Rules

Tier 2 Armorsmith (Metals + Textiles)
  • Gain the ability to speak Giant
  • Gain the ability to use smith's tools
  • Gain access to a workshop
  • Learn techniques "Slow and Steady" and "Durable Assembly"
  • Tier 2: Learn technique "Eldritch Workshop"
  • Tier 2: Gain the "Finishing Touches" ability
Slow and Steady
You may choose to spend additional craft stamina equal to the project Difficulty Level during the craft action. If you do, your finished piece is extremely durable and, when applicable, has double the hit points of other objects of its kind. Any flaws applied to such a project do not negatively impact its durability.   Durable Assembly
Prerequisite: Metals or Wood
Whenever you successfully complete a project, the object's AC is +1 and the object has resistance to a damage type of your choice. These qualities are for the object itself; armor created with this technique does not pass these additional benefits on to the wearer.   Eldritch Workshop
Prerequisite: Spellcasting
Choose one toolkit and up to three pieces of workshop equipment necessary for your trade, such as a grinding wheel, a small forge, an anvil, a spinning wheel, a medium-sized outdoor oven, or the like. You can summon magical duplicates of these items within 5 feet of you as long as there is space for such objects.   These items function as if they were real and disappear once they have been used in the completion of a number of projects equal to your crafting tier, or if you dismiss them early. Once you use this technique you cannot use it again until you successfully complete a long rest.  
Tier Craft Dice Stamina
2 2d6 4

Character Portrait image: by @Shuploc on Twitter