Kinetic Warhead Technology / Science in Long War | World Anvil

Kinetic Warhead

Kinetic Warhead is a part of a specialized missile that can be summed up to be a Penetrative Warhead-supertech equivalent. Faster, more precise and surprisingly resilient, making it a rather decent weaponry.   Kinetic Warheads are pretty much a spike made from superdense material. What really makes them great is their barely understood propulsion system, that allows them to achieve relativistic speed quite fast. It is so fast, actually, that they can be used for both relativistic bombardment and ship to ship combat.   Needless to say, a ship hit by a superdense penetrative warhead travelling on the speed of 0,9c will probably not survive, regardless of its armor thickness. They still can be shot down or redirected by ECM systems, but it's surprisingly hard. Evasion is also possible, but very hard.


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