Blinking Warhead Technology / Science in Long War | World Anvil

Blinking Warhead

A weird type of warhead, an altertech believed to originate in similar sources as Transition Drive and Transition Engine (plus, of course, a Transition MAW.   Contrary to what one expects it isn't a missile that 'blinks' through enemy countermissiles. It is a missile that 'blinks' into enemy warships. What's more, before the blink it somehow 'compresses' space around it that is then decompressed after the missile lands in enemy ship. A single hit from an LSK-size blinking warhead can make a light cruiser pop like a balloon. What's more, it is especially useful against heavily armored ships, because it's rare for one to be armored from the inside.   Unfortunately, it is a rare find. What's more it remains vulnerable to ECM and AV defense, which means that the chance to actually hit an enemy ship is as limited as in every missile salvoe, forcing one to employ a lot of them en masse in hope of overwhelming an enemy defense.


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